
17 July 2012

“Manado Mission” fulfilled!

Three years ago, the Buddhist community leaders from Manado, North Sulawesi invited Bro.Tan to visit and give Dhamma talks there.  Given his busy schedule, it has taken that long to finally fulfill the promise.  But in the words of Manado devotees, “it was well worth the long wait”!

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15 July 2012

Study Tour to Borobudur & Yogjakarta

On 6 July, 42 participants on the 5-day Borobudur Study Tour departed for Yogjakarta with Bro. Tan as the tour leader. The highlight of this tour was a visit to the famous Borobudur, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Participants were amazed at the many candis they visited. Every candi (such as Candi Mendut, Candi Plaosan, and Candi Sewu) has a rich history; and all of them were beautifully constructed. One could marvel at how people of the past had such strong faith in the Buddha-Dhamma which inspired them to build those majestic structures.

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