
19 December 2019

‘The Happiness Equation’ at Kelantan Dhamma Camp

From 13 to 16 December, 120 teenagers gathered at Wat Machimmaram, Kelantan for a Dhamma learning camp themed “The Happiness Equation”.  This is the 10th camp in 8 years co-organised by Persatuan Peranakan Cina Kelantan, Persatuan Meditasi Mettarama Kota Bharu, Dhammarakkhita and Nalanda Dhamma School.  Campers were introduced to components of true happiness which is experienced by one who is free from craving and with kind thoughts for oneself and others.

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8 February 2019

Joyful Dhamma Camp in Kelantan

From 5 to 8 December 2018, a Teenagers’ Dhamma Camp at Wat Pracacinaram, Wakaf Bharu was jointly organised by Nalanda Dhamma School, Dhammarakkhita group, Persatuan Peranakan Cina Kelantan, and Persatuan Meditasi Mettarama.

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9 December 2017

Dhamma camps in Kedah and Kelantan

8 December saw the start of two simultaneous teenagers’ learning camps organised by Nalanda Dhamma School – one at NEO Centre Sungai Petani in Kedah; and another at Wat Prachumthat Chanaram in Tumpat, Kelantan.

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6 December 2017

Nalanda teams embark on Dhammaduta

Two teams of Nalandians comprising Dhamma School Director Sis. Sunanda, EXCO member Sis. Buddhini, Dhamma School facilitators and senior students gathered for chanting at Nalanda Centre before departing for Dhammaduta trips to Kedah and Kelantan.

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20 October 2017

Launching of new Mettārama Centre

Nalanda representatives will be traveling to Kota Bharu this Friday, 20 October to celebrate the opening ceremony of the new Mettārama Meditation Centre.  Ten members – five from Serdang and the rest from Kedah – will join devotees in Kelantan to celebrate this auspicious occasion.

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23 August 2017

Sin Chew interviews Fun Fair operators

On Monday 21 August, Malaysia’s most popular Chinese-language daily Sin Chew Jit Poh (星洲日报), published an exclusive interview with two groups of operators of Nalanda’s Family Fun Fair, which was held in Sri Serdang last weekend.

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10 August 2017

Dhamma School trip to Kelantan

During the recent school holidays in June, 80 Nalanda Dhamma School students from Sri Serdang and Johor Bahru were privileged to embark on a study tour to Kelantan.  The teenagers enjoyed many teachings by Bro. Tan while visiting Buddhist temples such as Wat Machimaram, Wat Photivihan, and Wat Mai Suwankhiri.

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27 June 2017

Dhamma tour of Kelantan for teenagers

During the recent June holidays, 80 teenage Nalanda Dhamma School students from Sri Serdang and Johor Bahru embarked on a journey of discovery to Kelantan – the most north-easterly state of Peninsular Malaysia – and an important centre of Buddhism centuries ago.

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24 April 2017

Installation of 15th YDP Agong

Nalanda Buddhist Society members celebrate the official installation of His Majesty Sultan Muhammad V as the 15th Yang DiPertuan Agong of Malaysia, today.

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21 November 2016

Chao Khun Eak passed away today

We are saddened to announce that the Chief monk of Kelantan Thai Sangha and Abbot of Wat Phikulthong Vararam in Kampung Terbok, Tumpat – the most Venerable Chao Khun Eak – passed away peacefully at 5.15am this morning.  He was 85.

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