Learning Camp

26 September 2022

Joyous & insightful youth camp

From 16 to 19 September, Nalanda Youth Centre hosted its fifth Dhamma-Living Camp for Young Adults at Wisdom Park in Kuala Kubu Bahru.   The 100 participants immersed themselves in learning, reflection and wholesome friendship, and experienced the simple joy of living in accordance to Dhamma.  Many participants renewed their strength and conviction to rise above worldly frivolities and live more purposefully in accordance to the Buddha’s teachings.

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20 September 2022

Thank you for a wonderful camp!

100 young Buddhists were fully energised by the Dhamma at the inspiring Dhamma-Living Camp for Young Adults, which concluded joyfully yesterday afternoon. A big ‘THANK YOU’ to all organisers, volunteers and participants for the great learning experience and spiritual fellowship.

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7 September 2022

Welcoming youths to an inspiring journey

In just over a week, Nalanda youths will be hosting 100 participants of the Dhamma-Living Camp for Young Adults** at Wisdom Park.  We wish all the participants, organisers and volunteers safe travels to our new campus, and we look forward to welcoming you for an inspiring journey together.

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24 December 2019

Dhamma learning at Stay-in Camp

Last weekend, from 19 to 22 December, over 80 Dhamma School students were immersed in the Dhamma as part of the School’s stay-in programme at Nalanda Centre.  Themed ‘Heart to Heart’, Nalanda Dhamma School Director Sis. Sunanda and the School’s facilitators led students of ages 9 to 17 in various activities to learn, study and practice the noble teachings of the Buddha.

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19 December 2019

‘The Happiness Equation’ at Kelantan Dhamma Camp

From 13 to 16 December, 120 teenagers gathered at Wat Machimmaram, Kelantan for a Dhamma learning camp themed “The Happiness Equation”.  This is the 10th camp in 8 years co-organised by Persatuan Peranakan Cina Kelantan, Persatuan Meditasi Mettarama Kota Bharu, Dhammarakkhita and Nalanda Dhamma School.  Campers were introduced to components of true happiness which is experienced by one who is free from craving and with kind thoughts for oneself and others.

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9 December 2019

Teenagers’ Learning Camp in Johor

From 28 November to 1 December, 80 campers gathered at Pure Karma Buddhist Centre in Ulu Tiram, Johor for Nalanda Teenagers’ Learning Camp themed ‘Step Up’.  During the camp, participants learned about the meaning of taking refuge in the Three Jewels, and also about the Buddha’s inspiring life.

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20 November 2019

Teenagers’ Learning Camp in J.B. – ‘Step Up!’

Nalanda Dhamma School Johor Bahru is organising a 4-day Teenagers’ Dhamma Camp themed ‘Step up!’ at Pure Karma Buddhist Centre, Ulu Tiram from 28 November to 1 December.  Encourage your teenager age 12 – 16 years old to come and learn Buddhist values while making new friends.

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1 October 2019

Youthful & joyful service at Wisdom Park

In September 2019, more than 130 youths took part in a day of joyful voluntary service in Wisdom Park.  They were participants of the recent ‘Dhamma-Living Camp for Young Adults’, an annual gathering of young Buddhists that truly inspires and energises many to practise Dhamma whole-heartedly.

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12 September 2019

Thank you for a marvellous camp

Last weekend, over 130 young adults spent 4 days emerging themselves in Dhamma-living and discovering true blessings in life. Our utmost gratitude to Bro. Tan for his compassion in teaching and inspiring us, as well as skilfully providing real-life perspectives relevant to facing our problems today.

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7 September 2019

Discovering Blessings at Dhamma-living Camp

For the past two days, participants of the on-going Dhamma Living Camp for Young Adults have been immersed in Dhamma living to discover the blessings in life.  After arriving yesterday morning, campers have been making new acquaintances and rekindling old friendships.  For deeper discussions and reflection, they gathered in their assigned ‘Dhamma families’ for the duration of the camp.

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