Learning Camp

5 October 2017

Still shining a month after camp

It has been a month since the awesome “Dhamma-Living Camp for Young Adults” held from 1 to 4 September in Kinrara Puchong; yet many of us are still smiling broadly when we think of the great lessons we got from the camp and the amazing friends we met there.

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24 September 2017

Thank you, Dhamma teachers

Nalanda Buddhist Society, the Theravada Buddhist Council of Malaysia (TBCM), and the Buddhist Institute Sunday Dhamma School (BISDS) – joint organisers of the inaugural National Camp for Dhamma teachers – would like to thank all participants for making this programme a great success!

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23 September 2017

Teaching Dhamma through drama

Dhamma School teachers had a blast of a time with energetic programmes on the third day of their National Camp held in Puchong, Selangor.  Achariya S. Vijaya, Chairman of Nalanda Education Team, conducted a workshop to help teachers understand the power of drama and story-telling.

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22 September 2017

Second day of teachers’ camp

After a spirited opening yesterday morning, the inaugural National Camp for Dhamma School teachers shifted into higher gear on this second day, with the main speaker Bro. Tan talking about teachers’ competencies.  The essence of successful Buddhist education, he asserted, lies in having competent teachers who embody and exemplify the Dhamma.

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19 September 2017

Welcome to Dhamma teachers’ camp

This Thursday 21 September, we look forward to welcome 150 participants to the 4-day inaugural National Camp for Dhamma teachers at Kinrara Resort in Puchong.  Nalanda Buddhist Society, the Theravada Buddhist Council of Malaysia (TBCM), and the Buddhist Institute Sunday Dhamma School (BISDS) are jointly organizing this camp to discuss how to share the Buddha’s teachings in a systematic, engaging, and effective manner to the younger generation.

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6 September 2017

Calling Dhamma School teachers to National Camp

Many Dhamma School teachers will readily admit that teaching Dhamma to today’s children and teenagers is a very daunting task.  With plenty of sensual objects to distract them, coupled with little life experience and ever shorter attention spans, the younger generation seems to have “a lot more dust in their eyes” to see the need for Dhamma in their lives.

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5 September 2017

A truly illuminating youth camp

Nalanda Youth Centre’s “Dhamma Living Camp for Young Adults 2017”, with the theme “Ignite the Light Within”, concluded joyfully yesterday afternoon.  200 participants from all over Malaysia and even Singapore spent four days learning and experiencing the Dhamma together under the skilful guidance of Bro. Tan and a team of caring facilitators.

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21 August 2017

Register for DLCY today

If you haven’t signed up for the Dhamma Living Camp for Young Adults (DLCY), please do so today!  Registration for this popular learning camp will be closed in just a few days.

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12 August 2017

Sign-up for Youth Dhamma Camp

If you are a Buddhist youth interested to discover illuminating Dhamma, but haven’t signed up for the Dhamma Living Camp, please do so today! Join 200 like-minded young adults to learn from inspiring speakers at the camp, which will be held from 1 to 4 September at Kinrara Resort, Puchong.

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25 July 2017

Dhamma School teachers’ camp

“Good educators and Great education” form the backbone of every successful Dhamma school. Nalanda Buddhist Society, the Theravada Buddhist Council of Malaysia (TBCM), and the Buddhist Institute Sunday Dhamma School (BISDS) are jointly organizing this first National Camp for Dhamma teachers to discuss how to share the Buddha’s teachings in a systematic, engaging, and effective manner.

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