Live Telecast

25 May 2021

‘Open is the door to deathlessness’

On the eve of the Vesakhā full-moon, Bodhisatta Gotama sat under a large Pipal tree in Uruvela with an indefatigable determination to His goal of Enlightenment.  Having realised that neither the rigours of extreme ascetism nor the luxuries of sensuality bear fruit to liberation, the Buddha-to-be resolved that He would not leave the seat until He had attained the highest wisdom and unshakable peace.

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19 May 2021

‘Buddha Day’ Programmes 2021

We joyfully invite you to join the ‘Buddha Day’ programmes streamed live on our Facebook page. Tune in as we explore the Wesak theme for Buddhist Era 2565 – ‘Moving Forward with Courage and Hope’.

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4 July 2020

‘Dhamma Day’ Forum on Sigālovāda Sutta

Dhamma Day is observed on the full-moon day of Asalha to commemorate the day that the Buddha set in motion the ‘Wheel of Dhamma’ over 2,600 years ago.  This year's observance on Sunday, 5 July at 9.30am features a Dhamma Forum on ‘Lessons from Sigālovāda Sutta’ with Achariya Vijaya Samarawickrama, Achariya Tan Siang Chye and Sis. Buddhinī Tan.

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29 June 2020

‘Dhamma Day’ Observance on “Facebook Live”

‘Dhamma Day’ commemorates the preaching of the Buddha’s first discourse after His Enlightenment – the ‘Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta’ – the ‘Discourse on turning the Wheel of Dhamma’.  We joyfully invite you to join the online ‘Dhamma Day’ Service on Facebook Live to observe this auspicious occasion.  There will be a Dhamma forum with the theme “Tranquility in the face of Uncertainty – Lessons from Sigālovāda Sutta” to help us deepen our understanding of the Buddha’s teachings and reflect on how we can live our lives in accordance with Dhamma.  All are welcome!

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7 May 2020

Night of Togetherness in Dhamma

The highlight of today’s Buddha Day celebration is the “Night of Togetherness” at 8.30pm this evening. The programme features a special message and teaching by Venerable Ajahn Jayasaro, blessings by Venerable Sri Saranankara, and a Dhamma Talk by Nalanda founder, Bro Tan.

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6 May 2020

Buddha Day Programmes

Namo Buddhaya!  Due to the extraordinary circumstances caused by Covid-19 pandemic that precluded large gatherings for ‘Buddha Day’ this year, Nalanda Buddhist Society has specially prepared a series of on-line programmes on 6 and 7 May to celebrate this spiritual occasion.  We joyfully invite everyone to participate in these learning opportunities where respected Dhamma speakers will be speaking on topics revolving around the ‘Buddha Day’ theme – “Tranquility in the face of Uncertainty”.

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4 May 2020

‘Zoom’ with Bro. Aggaphala Yap

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4 May 2020

‘Zoom’ with Bro. Benny Liow

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4 May 2020

“Night of Togetherness in Dhamma”

We invite everyone to participate in a special programme to celebrate ‘Buddha Day’ spiritually. Join us on “Facebook Live” for the following highlights of the event:

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4 May 2020

Buddha Day Service on “Facebook Live”

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