
Meditation programmes organised by Nalanda, or meditation-related topics.

22 May 2016

Importance of keeping precepts

On Wednesday 4 May, Sis. Buddhini Tan gave a sharing on the “Importance of keeping the Five Precepts” after the weekly group sitting.  She related a story about how a young trader stopped himself from killing his wife and her lover through mindfulness, and who later even became a monk.  The monk practised loving-kindness for many years and finally freed himself totally from grief, anger and enmity.

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15 May 2016

8-session meditation course ends

On Thursday 28 April, the Universiti Putra Malaysia Buddhist Society (PBUPM) meditation course came to a close for this semester.  With the upcoming university examinations and long holidays after that, the weekly meditation sessions will only resume when school reopens in August.

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18 April 2016

Being good is a ‘gift’ to others

On Wednesday 13 April, we were fortunate to have Venerable Ajahn Chandako leading the weekly meditation session and giving a Dhamma talk at Nalanda Centre.  Ajahn Chandako hails from the Thai forest tradition of Ajahn Chah, and is the abbot of Vimutti Forest Monastery in New Zealand.

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8 April 2016

Be mentally prepared before meditation

On Wednesday 6 April, at Nalanda’s weekly group meditation, Sis. Buddhini shared about the importance of mental preparation before meditation. She explained that it was important for us to be aware of the causes and conditions that disturb us before we can settle our minds and be concentrated.

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25 March 2016

Elective programmes a boost to learning

During the recent Dhamma Living Camp 2016, there were four ‘elective’ sessions where participants could choose to participate in – ‘Meditation for Absolute Beginners’, ‘Learning and Reflecting on Gathas’, ‘Spiritual Reflection’, or ‘Yoga – Basic stretching techniques’.

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6 March 2016

UPM group resumes weekly sitting

On Thursday 3 March, the Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) Buddhist Society held its first weekly group meditation for the new semester at Nalanda Centre.  It was led by Venerable Chi Xiang (持向法师), who also gave the undergraduates a Dhamma talk.  The session was well attended and the undergraduates were pleased to resume their regular group sitting after the break.

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31 January 2016

Mindful meditation with Ven. Mangala

On Wednesday 13 January, Venerable Mangala, who was visiting Nalanda Centre with Ven. Sri Pandita Henepola Gunaratana, led the weekly group meditation and Dhamma discussion.  Many Dhamma practitioners came to learn from venerable’s experience and knowledge of mindful meditation.

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19 January 2016

Youths attend meditation retreat

Nalanda Youth Centre started the New Year with a one-day meditation retreat on 9 January. 126 youths from Malaysia and overseas gathered for the retreat which was guided by Nalanda founder, Bro Tan.  The participants benefited from the spiritually uplifting event and agreed that it was a great way to start the New Year!

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11 November 2015

Mental clarity and mindfulness

On Sunday 1 November, Venerable  Ayya Susīlā gave a Dhamma talk on ‘Mindfulness and daily meditation practice’.   The topic is a popular request, even among devotees overseas.  Ayya Susīlā gave the definition of mindfulness, sati, as “keeping the mind in the present moment.  When we keep our minds in the present moment, our minds are clear”.

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1 November 2015

Meditation retreat for UPM students

On Sunday 25 October, a group of 30 undergraduates from Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) held a meditation camp at Nalanda Centre. The one-day retreat, from 10am to 10pm, was led by Venerable Bhikshuni Ji-Chi (继持) and Venerable Bhikshuni Chi-Xiang (持向).

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