
5 June 2014

Dialogue between UPM Buddhist Society and YBAM

On Friday 23 May, Nalanda Centre hosted a dialogue session between Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) Buddhist Society and the Young Buddhist Association of Malaysia’s Vice President Bro. Sek Chin Yong, and UPM alumnus Bro. Yang.

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3 June 2014

Ven. Ayya Santinī visits Nalanda

On Sunday 1 June, Nalandians warmly welcomed Ven. Ayya Santinī from Indonesia who arrived for a three-day visit to Nalanda.  Ayya Santinī and 5 accompanying Indonesian devotees were met at the KL International Airport by Founder Bro. Tan, Sis. Buddhinī, Nandinī, Santī, and Bro Gan.

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23 May 2014

Dialogue with PATRIA in Jakarta

As part of the programme for their official visit to Jakarta, Nalanda officers met up with the Executive Committee of PATRIA (“Pemuda Theravada Indonesia”) for an interactive dialogue session on Saturday, 3 May.  PATRIA is a national body representing Indonesian Theravada youths; it has branches and activity centres in many provinces throughout the country.

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23 May 2014

Joyful realization of BFI House, Jakarta

This Wesak month must be a very significant one for members of Buddhist Fellowship Indonesia (BFI) as they celebrate Buddha Day (or ‘Hari Waisak’ in Indonesia) at their marvelous new ‘home’ – the BFI House.  After 8 years of operating from rented premises, BFI has moved into their delightful and welcoming new centre located in Kelapa Gading District, North Jakarta.

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20 May 2014

Visit by Ven. Chang Zao of Dharma Drum Mountain

The Superintendent of Dharma Drum Mountain Malaysia (法鼓山馬來西亞) Venerable Chang Zao (常藻法师) came for a courtesy visit to Nalanda Centre this afternoon, accompanied by two volunteer officers.  They were warmly received by Sis. Nandini Tan and Bro. Charlie Teng, together with several other Nalandians.

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1 May 2014

It’s Nalanda’s 11th Anniversary today

Today is Nalanda Buddhist Society’s 11th Anniversary.  We sincerely thank all our members, volunteers, benefactors, supporters and well-wishers for your years of contributions!  Your earnest support and encouragement has enabled Nalanda to fulfill our mission to bring holistic education to more people, and to bring about integral human development.  To all Nalandians, “Happy Nalanda Day”!  Sadhu anumodana.

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30 April 2014

Delightful 2nd Members’ Day in Kedah

Following the inspiring first Nalanda Sungai Petani Branch Members’ Day last month, the 2nd such training session was held on Saturday, 26 April in Gurun, Kedah.  Founder Bro. Tan spoke about “Observance Days” – what they are and why they are celebrated.  Among the three important annual Observance Days are ‘Buddha Day’ (Wesak Full-moon), ‘Dhamma Day’ (Asalha Full-moon), and ‘Sangha Day’.

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28 April 2014

National Nalanda Members’ Convention

From 1 May to 3 May, Nalanda members from all over Malaysia will congregate in Sri Serdang for the inaugural National Members’ Convention.  The 3-day convention will discuss issues pertaining to Dhamma-learning, practice and education.  Nalandians in Sri Serdang look forward to hosting members from all over the country this week!  Have a safe journey to Selangor, and see you at our ‘spiritual home’ – Nalanda Centre.  Welcome, Svagatam !

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14 March 2014

Chinese-language communications team

The Nalanda Chinese-Language Communications Team was formed a month ago to publish news articles in Mandarin.  The team’s objective is to propagate Dhamma and communicate more effectively with Mandarin-speaking communities.  The team launched a Chinese Facebook page 10 days ago on 5 March, which has since garnered more than 370 ‘Likes’.

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12 March 2014

Inspiring Gathering of Members at the 11th AGM

Reported by Joanne Tan and Gan Jia Cheng.

The 11th Annual General Meeting (AGM) of Nalanda Buddhist Society Malaysia was successfully held on Sunday 9 March, at Nalanda Centre Sri Serdang.  The meeting was well attended by members, who discussed the Society’s development in 2013 and the plans for the coming year.  The mood however was quite subdued, as members are mindful of the ongoing national concern caused by the disappearance of flight MH370 just the day before.

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