
30 March 2016

Leadership conference next month

Nalanda founder Bro. Tan has called for a leadership conference involving all central and branch leaders next month to discuss the future development of Nalanda branches.  In a meeting with the Board of Management (BoM) in Sri Serdang tonight, Bro. Tan said that branch centres can play a more proactive and effective role in promoting holistic Buddhist education to their local communities.

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17 March 2016

Wisdom Park Committee 7th Meeting

The Wisdom Park Development Committee (WPDC) held its 7th meeting on Sunday, 6 March at Nalanda Centre, Sri Serdang.  Among other things, the Committee discussed in greater detail the components of Phase 1 development.  The 8th meeting of WPDC will be held on 31 March.  We thank all members of the Committee for their devotion and hard work put into developing Wisdom Park.  Sadhu anumodana.

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14 March 2016

Uplifting gathering at 13th AGM

Nalanda Buddhist Society Malaysia held its 13th Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Sunday 13 March, at Nalanda Centre Sri Serdang.  It was well attended by members who were eager to discuss the Society’s development in 2015 and plans for the coming year.

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1 March 2016

Development Committee’s 6th Meeting

The Wisdom Park Development Committee (WPDC) held its 6th meeting on 18 February to continue discussions on the Master Plan for the entire facility.  The Committee wants to ensure optimal land-use while maintaining a sense of spaciousness in ‘Wisdom Park’.  Native forest trees will be planted throughout the educational facility to create micro-biospheres that are cooling and soothing.

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27 February 2016

Nalanda branches to hold AGMs in March

It’s that time of the year for Nalanda members to fulfill our constitutional duties again.  Nalanda Buddhist Society Malaysia will be holding our Annual General Meetings for 2016 early next month.  Kicking off the series of AGMs next weekend will be Nalanda branches in Sungai Petani, Kuala Lumpur and Johor Bahru, followed by the Serdang headquarters in the following weekend.

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14 February 2016

Youths visit teachers training institute

On Saturday 9 January, the Institut Pendidikan Guru (IPG) Kampus Ilmu Khas Buddhist Society invited representatives from Nalanda Youth Centre (NYC) to visit them.  Nalanda youths were warmly welcomed by the teacher-adviser of IPG Buddhist Society, Bro. Johnny, and several teacher trainees.  The purpose of their visit was to foster spiritual friendship and to forge closer ties between NYC and IPG Buddhist Society.

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11 February 2016

Development Committee held 5th meeting

The Wisdom Park Development Committee held its fifth meeting recently to discuss the Master Plan for the entire Buddhist educational facility, which comprises 11 inter-related zones spread over 26 acres of greenery.  Members of the Committee are aiming for the optimal land-use while maintaining a sense of spaciousness in the Park.

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13 January 2016

Upbeat first Members’ Day for 2016

The first Nalanda Members’ Day meeting for 2016 was held last Sunday, 10 January.  It was an energetic event as the members were still in high spirits after successful Members’ Convention last month.

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12 January 2016

4th meeting of Wisdom Park Development Committee

On Sunday 3 January, the Wisdom Park Development Committee met for the 4th time to draft the master plan for the would-be education hub.  The engineering team presented their recommendations for earth works and roads based on the terrain and proposed land use.

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2 January 2016

Preparing for the first ‘Service Sunday’ of 2016

Nalanda Centre is looking forward to welcoming devotees to join the first ‘Service Sunday’ of 2016.  A large congregation of students and their parents is expected tomorrow due to increased intakes for Nalanda Dhamma School and Junior Dhamma School this year.

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