MH 17

22 August 2014

‘Selamat pulang’, MH17

Today, we receive the remains of 20 fellow Malaysians who perished on MH17 on their most poignant journey home.  We are united as a nation and people in prayer for all casualties and their loved ones.  May they be at Peace – ‘Santi’.

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21 August 2014

The most poignant journey home

Whenever a Malaysia Airlines flight from overseas lands at KLIA, there will always be that welcoming and reassuring on-board announcement – “…and to all Malaysians, ‘Welcome home’”.  For many citizens, that simple but familiar greeting never fails to warm our hearts.

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10 August 2014

Reflective Memorial Service for MH17

Report by Gan Bee Ching  |  Photographs by Gan Jia Cheng

On Wednesday 23 July, Nalanda Centre was filled with devotees who came to participate in a Memorial Service for the casualties of MH17.  Bro. Tan led devotees in pūja, chanting and Mettā meditation.  After which, a short but impactful video clip showing the last moments of MH17 and aftermaths of the tragedy was presented.  Following that was an inspiring Dhamma talk by Bro Tan.

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8 August 2014

In Remembrance – MH370

Today marks exactly 5 months since ‘MH370’ vanished over the Indian Ocean on 8 March 2014.  The mystery of its disappearance remains unsolved; and the memory and pain of those who lost their loved ones remain fresh.  Since ‘MH370’, we have again been shocked by the crashing of a few other airliners in July, including another Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777 – the ‘MH17’ – with a great loss of lives.

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30 July 2014

Continuous Learning and Spiritual Reflection

Report by Gan Bee Ching  |  Photographs by Gan Jia Cheng

On Sunday 20 July, devotees continued with Dhamma learning and spiritual cultivation at Nalanda Centre.  We were privileged to hear Bro. Charlie Chia deliver a light-hearted Dhamma talk titled, ‘It’s all in the breath’.

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24 July 2014

Minute’s silence at the Glasgow Games

The 2014 Commonwealth Games is now underway in Glasgow, Scotland.  At the Opening Ceremony of the “friendly games”, the arena observed a minute’s silence in memory of those who perished with MH17.  The Malaysian contingent marched into the stadium led by the flag-bearer carrying the national flag at half-mast, followed by Malaysia Airlines cabin crew and athletes – all wearing black arm-bands.  The contingent received a warm reception and ovation at the ceremony as a mark of empathy and solidarity over the tragic losses of MH17 and MH370.  Thank you, Scotland!

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22 July 2014

Memorial Service for Casualties of MH17

Dear friends, a special evening Service in memory of the casualties of MH17 will be held at Nalanda Centre on Wednesday 23 July, from 8pm to 10pm.  We invite you to participate in this Service with meditation, chanting, and a Dhamma teaching by Bro. Tan, who will talk about the Buddhist response to the vicissitudes of life.  All are welcome.

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22 July 2014

Develop spiritually to face vicissitudes of life

Excerpt of a Dhamma talk by Bro Tan.

“Spiritual strength and resilience is essential to help us face disasters with calmness and kindness.  It is important that we cultivate our minds and nourish our spirits with a lot of positive and wholesome qualities, such as patience, moral virtues, fortitude, perseverance, right understanding and wisdom. Read more

19 July 2014

Flags at half-mast in memory of MH17

The Malaysian Government today called for flags to be flown at half-mast until Monday 21 July, to mourn the loss of 298 lives on board MH17.  At tomorrow morning’s Service Sunday, Nalanda Founder Bro. Tan will offer a reflection on the tragic air-crash as well as recite prayers for the victims and their loved ones.

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18 July 2014

MAS confirms 298 on board MH17 perished

In a Media Statement issued on Friday, 18 July at 7.30am, Malaysia Airlines confirmed that all 298 people on board MH17 (as opposed to 295 people inferred earlier) had perished in the tragic air crash.  MH17 was on a regular scheduled flight from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur.  As the Boeing 777 was flying over Eastern Ukraine, it was purportedly shot down by a ground-to-air missile.

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