MH 370

26 March 2014

Special Prayers & Memorial Service for MH370

We invite everyone to join us on Thursday 27 March, at 8.00pm, in a Special Prayer session and Memorial Service for the casualties of MH370.  Bro. H S Tan will be giving a Dhamma-sharing at the Memorial Service. Let us unify our thoughts and spirits to wish the victims and their families Peace.  All are welcome.

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25 March 2014

“Some flights are delayed. But some flights never arrive.”

Article by Bro. H S Tan – “Reflection, 25 March 2014”.

Every day, at airports everywhere, many passengers feel annoyed when their flights are delayed. Time is so precious, they say.  Flights should not be late.

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24 March 2014

“Good Bye MH370 – May You Rest in Peace.”

Statement from Nalanda Buddhist Society Malaysia

At 10pm (Malaysian time) on 24 March 2014, the Honorable Prime Minister of Malaysia, Y.A.B. Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak, went on air to officially announce the fate of MH370 – it is now firmly established that the missing Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777 crashed into the Southern Indian Ocean with 239 people on board.  None of them could have survived.

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22 March 2014

We are still praying for you – MH370

14 days have passed since the mysterious disappearance of MH370 with 239 people on board.  Today, we still have no clues as to what actually happened to the passengers, and where the airplane is now.

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14 March 2014

UPM Buddhist Society Members Pray for MH370

The UPM Buddhist Society (PBUPM) members concluded their weekly gathering at Nalanda Centre tonight by extending kind thoughts for the missing 239 people on board MH370. Empathizing with the anxiety and anguish experienced by the victims’ families, PBUPM members rallied around to provide this gesture of moral support!  Let us all continue to pray for the victims and their loved ones.  May we soon hear positive news in the search for MH370.

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13 March 2014

Pūja at Buddhist Fellowship Singapore for MH370

On Tuesday 11 March, 200 members and devotees gathered at Buddhist Fellowship (West) Centre in Singapore for an evening of Metta-recitation and meditation to dedicate merits to victims of MH370.  We thank our earnest friends in Singapore for doing your bit to give moral support to the victims of this tragedy and their suffering families.  Sadhu anumodana!

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12 March 2014

‘Every Passenger has a Family’

The photograph above was taken at the family home of Firman Chandra Siregar in Medan.  Firman is Indonesian, and one of the passengers on board MH370.  His relatives, neighbours and friends have been gathering at his house to await news of the missing Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777.

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11 March 2014

Contemplate, rather than just Speculate

After 4 agonizing days without certainty as to what really happened to flight MH370, it is understandable why many people are feeling frustrated over the long wait for answers. The internet is rife with many theories, speculations and criticisms.

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11 March 2014

Special prayers at Kuala Lumpur International Airport

On Sunday 9 March, a team of Nalandians led by Nalanda’s Deputy President Bro. Lee Teck Beng joined other religious groups to perform special prayers for the casualties of MH370 and their families at Kuala Lumpur International Airport’s Main Terminal Building.  Let us continue to extend our compassionate thoughts to the passengers of MH370, their families, and loved ones. May they be blessed with mental strength and calmness.  Wishing everyone much Peace.

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10 March 2014

Special Prayers in Serdang and JB for Victims of MH370

Nalandians gathered on 8-10 March for pūja and chanting to share merits with the casualties of flight MH370 that went missing, and which presumably crashed into sea.  The flight was a routine one from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing with 239 people on board.  At this juncture, the circumstances surrounding the tragedy remain unclear.

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