Today is the Phagguna New-moon Uposatha Day in the Buddhist calendar. These observance days are a time for us to deepen our mindfulness and commitment, and strengthen our spiritual discipline.
Read moreOn this 8th day of Lunar New Year festivities, gatherings continue as Hokkien families organise large celebrations to welcome the Hokkien New Year. These gatherings are lively and heartwarming, just as the reunions have been in the past week when we are surrounded by our loved ones and friends who each add their unique presence to the celebration.
Read moreOur parents, grandparents and relatives have over the decades cared for us, from ensuring that we have our basic needs fulfilled to providing guidance and care for us to grow and become valued members of society. They are indeed a blessing in our life, having been our biggest supporters as we go through good and challenging times.
Read moreOn Sunday 28 January, youths gathered at Nalanda Youth Centre to learn from Bro. Jeff Oliver, a Vipassana meditation teacher. Bro. Jeff shared the importance of maintaining mindfulness in our daily lives as much as we can, in order to train the mind to stay in the present moment. This helps us to gradually understand the realities of life, and greatly enables our progress in meditation.
Read moreLast weekend, from 12 to 14 January 2024, over 95 participants and volunteers gathered to learn and cultivate mindfulness in a meditation retreat led by Luang Por Kalyano, Abbot of Buddha Bodhivana Monastery, Australia. Luang Por advised us that with the start of the new year, we can begin it well through cultivating good habits and generating good kamma. A most fruitful way to do so, is to live in the present moment, as taught by the Buddha.
Read moreFrom 10 to 12 December, we were honoured to host Ven. Ayya Santinī, Abbess of Wisma Kusalayani in Bandung on her short trip to Malaysia, en-route to Singapore. Nalanda members were very happy to get re-acquainted and learn Dhamma with Ayya Santinī in the evening talk on Tuesday 12 December.
Read moreFrom 9 to 11 March, 40 devotees and volunteers checked in at Wisdom Park for a meditation retreat conducted by Ven. Ajahn Pavaro. He gave instructions to retreatants on their practice before they alternated between hourly sitting and walking meditation, and over the next three days held daily ‘Q&A’ sessions to address their questions.
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