Nalanda Centre will be hosting Venerable Vimuttadhammika from 23 to 26 March at Nalanda Centre, Sri Serdang. Originally from the Netherlands, he was ordained as a Bhikkhu in 2020 under Ven. Ariyadhammika at Sāsanārakkha Buddhist Sanctuary in Taiping, Perak.
Read moreNalanda Patron’s Day commemorates and appreciates all donors, benefactors and volunteers who have contributed to the growth of Nalanda over the years, and by extension, to the development of Buddhist education. It is observed annually on 18 March to mark the birth anniversary of our late Spiritual Advisor, Venerable Kirinde Sri Dhammananda in 1918.
Read moreOn Sunday 23 February, the community gathered together for Samaggi Sunday Service to delve into Dhamma teachings with Ven. Ajahn Pavaro. Venerable initially trained at Sitavana Forest Monastery and later spent significant years in Thailand at Anandagiri Monastery with Ajahn Achalo. He currently resides at Tisarana Monastery in Ontario, Canada.
Read moreWe joyfully invite you to join us this Friday, 7 March for an evening Dhamma talk by Ven. Ajahn Nando, who was born in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. He first encountered Buddhism at the age of 15 and felt an immediate connection to it. At the age of 21, he travelled to Thailand and stayed at Wat Pah Nanachat where he undertook Bhikkhu ordination at the age of 22 with Luang Por Liem Thitadhammo as his preceptor.
Read moreFrom 21 to 24 February, Nalanda members and volunteers were privileged to host Venerable Ajahn Sunando at Nalanda Centre. This is Ajahn’s first visit to Nalanda and we were happy to get better acquainted with Ajahn and receive his guidance throughout his stay.
Read moreWe invite you to register for ‘The Gradual Training’ Sutta Study with Meditation Workshop before the closing date of 2 March. The workshop at Nalanda Centre is conducted by Āyasmā Aggacitta who will guide us to investigate what the suttas say about the nature and development of jhānas.
Read moreRegister for the ‘The Gradual Training’ Sutta Study with Meditation Workshop conducted by Āyasmā Aggacitta to investigate what the suttas say about the nature and development of jhānas as part of a comprehensive, sequential scheme of training. This workshop is suitable for participants who have a good understanding of core Buddhist concepts and practice, including the Four Noble Truths and Noble Eightfold Path.
Read moreThis Sunday, we are honoured host Ven. Ajahn Pavaro back at Nalanda for a Dhamma teaching. The service will start at 9am with meditation, offerings and chanting. After the Dhamma teaching, we will offer lunch dāna to Ven. Ajahn Pavaro. You may bring cooked food and fruits to offer. We look forward to welcoming you to Nalanda Centre this Sunday!
Read moreJoin us this Saturday 22 February for a Dhamma teaching by Ven. Ajahn Sunando. Hailing from California, USA, Ajahn Sunando began monastic training at age 27 in 2001 as a novice at Fo Guang Shan Monastery in Kaohshiung, Taiwan. Ajahn transitioned into the Vajrayana tradition while still in Taiwan and moved to Dharamshala, India for a year in 2002.
Read moreFrom 21 to 28 December, Nalanda hosted Buddhist Gem Fellowship (BGF) at Wisdom Park for a meditation retreat conducted by the famed Ven. Ajahn Brahmavamso. It was Venerable’s maiden visit to Wisdom Park and he expressed his joy at the growth of Nalanda’s educational mission and community.
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