On Saturday 11 June, Nalanda Centre hosted a one-day sutta study and meditation workshop facilitated by Āyasmā Aggacitta, with the subject “How to diminish the effects of past kamma”. Āyasmā Aggacitta shared on what the Pāli suttas actually said about the matter. The aim of the workshop was to help participants practise effectively to end suffering.
Read moreOn Thursday 9 June, Nalanda Centre was honoured to host Venerable Geshe Dorji Damdul for a special Dhamma Lecture on “The essence of Tibetan Buddhism and its general misconceptions”. It was His Eminence’s first visit to Malaysia, which was coordinated by the Vajrayana Buddhist Council of Malaysia (VBCM). Besides Nalanda Centre, Geshe-la also gave lectures at the Buddhist Gem Fellowship and Universiti Malaya (hosted by the Young Buddhist Association of Malaysia) during his brief tour.
Read moreOn 1 June, we were blessed to have Venerable U Vijaya from Indonesia to lead the weekly meditation at Nalanda Centre, Sri Serdang. Ven. Vijaya explained that if we had faith in the Buddha, then we must be ready to walk the path He taught, and practise the Dhamma well. We must strengthen our Viriya (Right Effort) and keep our Sīla (virtue) strong.
Read moreWesak ‘Buddha Day’ on 21 May seemed the perfect day to launch the Malaysian edition of Venerable Ajahn Jayasaro’s insightful book – “Without & Within” – at Nalanda Centre, Sri Serdang. The book was launched in a simple but meaningful ceremony by Venerable Dhammalankara, Venerable Samiddhi, and the Honorable Mr. Gobind Singh Deo, Member of Parliament for Puchong, who was Nalanda’s Guest-of-honour for the ‘Buddha Day’ gathering.
Read moreOn Thursday 28 April, the Universiti Putra Malaysia Buddhist Society (PBUPM) meditation course came to a close for this semester. With the upcoming university examinations and long holidays after that, the weekly meditation sessions will only resume when school reopens in August.
Read moreOn Sunday 17 April, two senior Theravada bhikkhus from Nepal visited Nalanda Centre for a familiarisation tour. Venerables Kolita Thera and Saddhatissa Thera were warmly received by Society President Sis. Evelyn Chow together with other senior officers.
Read moreOn Sunday 17 April, the Superintendent of Dharma Drum Malaysia, Venerable Bhikshuni Chang Zao (常藻法师), was invited to Nalanda to give a Mandarin Dhamma talk on ‘Correct Practices & Devotion’ for Buddhists (“正信的佛教是什么?”). She highlighted the essential teachings of Buddhism, and how it spread throughout the world.
Read moreOn Wednesday 13 April, we were fortunate to have Venerable Ajahn Chandako leading the weekly meditation session and giving a Dhamma talk at Nalanda Centre. Ajahn Chandako hails from the Thai forest tradition of Ajahn Chah, and is the abbot of Vimutti Forest Monastery in New Zealand.
Read moreOn Sunday 28 February, Ven. Ariyadeva Māha Thero, together with Ven. Swarnajothi and Ven. Wineetha, came to Nalanda Centre for a visit and meeting with founder Bro Tan. The venerable monks were warmly received by Nalandians, and Nalanda Buddhist Society Deputy President Bro. Charlie Teng brought them on a tour of the Centre.
Read moreOn Monday 22 February, a group of scholarly Sangha members came for a familiarization visit to Nalanda Centre. The monks are among the best throughout Sri Lanka in Pāli, Sanskrit and Sinhalese languages, having excelled in national Buddhist exams and obtained the first three places in those subjects.
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