‘Sangha Day’ is an important occasion at Nalanda for the lay community to honour the virtues and contributions of the Māha Sangha (monastic order) in preserving and propagating Buddhism. It is also an opportunity for devotees to express gratitude and to support Sangha members by offering robes, requisites, funds for their medical care and education, etc.
Read moreOn Sunday 26 October, the Sri Lanka Buddhist Temple in Sentul, Kuala Lumpur was a hive of activity as more than 1,000 devotees thronged the vihāra for the annual ‘Kathina’ Robe-offering ceremony. The presenting of ‘Kathina Robe’ is one of the ways for the laity to support and pay tribute to the Sangha (monastic order). It is performed yearly after the conclusion of the “monastic rains retreat” (Vassāvasa). We rejoice over the devotees’ faith and meritorious deeds. Sadhu anumodana.
Read moreNalanda members and devotees would like to felicitate and pay tribute to Most Venerable Sri Saranankara Adhikarana Nāyaka Thero on his birthday. We always remember the good deeds done by Ven. Saranankara for the community of monks and laity, and dedicate our metta-karunā to his well-being and happiness. We are grateful that such an inspiring monk as Ven. Sri Saranankara lives among us! We wish Bhante the best of health and great fulfillment in your humanitarian and education mission. We humbly salute thee, Bhante!
Read moreOn Saturday 18 October, Ven. Sri Saranankara Nāyaka Thero, Abbot of Sri Lanka Buddhist Temple in Kuala Lumpur, dropped by for an impromptu visit to the Nalanda Centre annex building under renovation. The venerable had come from an earlier Nalanda Pindacāra Programme in nearby Seri Kembangan. He was warmly received upon arrival by Founder Bro. Tan and other officers.
Read moreOn Tuesday 23 September, Venerable Sujatha Thero, Abbot of Blue Lotus Buddhist Temple in Woodstock, Illinois, USA, came to Nalanda Centre on a familiarisation visit. He was accompanied by Venerables Indarathana and Srirathana. The visiting Sangha members were warmly received by Nalandian officers including host Bro. Pee Che Yong, who brought the venerables on a tour of Nalanda Centre and Youth Centre.
Read moreOn Saturday 20 September, devotees gathered at the Seri Kembangan morning market for our twice-monthly ‘Pindacāra’ (monks going on alms-round) programme. The rain which came in the early morning did not dampen the spirits of many devotees who turned up with offerings to the venerable monks.
Read moreRecently, Nalanda had the good fortune of hosting Ven. Ayya Santinī from Maribaya, Indonesia, who was accompanied on her visit here by several Indonesian devotees. While residing at Nalanda Centre, she gave several teachings and conducted personal interviews with devotees. We were also honoured to receive Venerables Dhammadinnā and Sumangalā who came to meet Ayya Santinī in Sri Serdang.
Read moreToday is the full-moon day for the month of ‘Potthapāda’ (or ‘Binara’ [ බිනර ] in Sinhalese). According to Sri Lankan Theravada tradition, this day commemorates the occasion where the Buddha allowed the ordination of ‘bhikkhunīs’ (women renunciates), and thus is a very important anniversary.
Read moreOn Saturday 16 August, our monthly ‘Pindacāra’ was held at the Seri Kembangan Jalan Besar market. Volunteers were there early to engage with market-goers, informing them about the monks coming for alms. The weather took a sudden turn and rain started pouring. Nonetheless it did not dampen the spirit of many devotees who patiently waited under umbrellas for the arrival of venerable monks.
Read moreOn Saturday, 2 August, devotees and volunteers participated joyfully in the monthly ‘Pindacāra’ (monks going on alms-round) Programme at the Sri Petaling and Happy Garden morning markets. We were honoured by the presence of two senior venerables from Sri Lanka Buddhist Temple Sentul, to participate in this alms-round.
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