Mother’s Day

12 May 2024

Happy Mother’s Day

“Just as a mother would protect her only child with her own life, even so, let him cultivate boundless thoughts of loving-kindness towards all beings”, such was the Buddha’s teaching as He expounded on ‘metta’, the ultimate sense of goodwill towards all beings.  Such is a mother’s love – unconditional and selfless.  She shapes our moral compass and teaches us right from wrong, so that we may be happy and live meaningful lives.

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15 May 2023

Celebrating Mother’s Day at Nalanda

Yesterday, on Sunday 14 May, devotees and Nalanda Dhamma School students together gave thanks to their mothers and mother-figures for all their care and sacrifices.  Reflecting on the blessings that we have in life, much of it is owed to our first teacher and carer, our mothers, who are constantly by our side to support and cheer us on.

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