Nalanda Art-time

Nalanda’s support of the arts and culture movement, e.g. by organising exhibitions, art demonstrations, performances, etc.

11 October 2013

Coverage of Nalanda Art Exhibition on Tourism TV

The successful Art Exhibition held last weekend at Nalanda Centre was recently broadcast by the Malaysian Tourism TV.  In the video clip, there were interviews with Art Curator Syed Nabil Syed Nahar of NN Gallery, and Yang Wei Han, Director of the documentary project “A Journey of Self Discovery”.

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7 October 2013

Nalanda Art Exhibition Successfully Concluded

The inaugural Nalanda Art Exhibition held at Nalanda Centre Sri Serdang over 3 days was successfully concluded at 8pm yesterday (6 October). Since its opening last Friday, a continuous stream of visitors had been coming to the exhibition, many of whom first-time visitors to Nalanda.

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5 October 2013

Nalanda Art Exhibition reported in The EDGE

A leading Malaysian publication 'The Edge' has published a wonderful article on the current Nalanda Art Exhibition. Please click here to read the article on-line.  The full article is also reproduced below.

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5 October 2013

Calligraphy Exhibition reported in the ‘Star Metro’

Dear friends, an article has been published in The Star (Friday, 4 October 2013) on the very successful Chinese Calligraphy Exhibition held last week at Nalanda Centre.  Please click here for the on-line article.

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4 October 2013

Nalanda Art Exhibition opens today

The Nalanda Art Exhibition ‘A Journey of Self Discovery’ is now open at Nalanda Centre, Sri Serdang.  The exhibition will run for 3 days from today until Sunday (4 – 6 October) from 10am to 8pm daily.  The official launching ceremony and tea reception is on Saturday 5 October, at 3pm.  Admission to the Art Exhibition is free, and everyone is welcome!

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29 September 2013

Calligraphy exhibition officially launched

The Chinese Calligraphy Exhibition was officially launched at Nalanda Centre Sri Serdang yesterday, graced by the presence of honoured guests, Yang Berbahagia Dato’ Seri Kee Yong Wee, Adviser of Calligraphy Society of Malaysia, Datin Seri Kee-Mah Ming Yuet, Mr. Wong Ho, President of Calligraphy Society of Malaysia, and other distinguished calligrapher-members of the Society. Read more