Nalanda Award

23 July 2017

2017 Nalanda Award for Social Action & Responsibility

On 1 July 2017, Nalanda Institute Malaysia had the honour of conferring the ‘2017 NALANDA AWARD FOR SOCIAL ACTION & RESPONSIBILITY’ to Dr. Phang Cheng Kar – a consultant psychiatrist and mindfulness-based therapist who created MINDFULGym, the first structured and scientifically-supported mindfulness-based programme for stress reduction and wellness in Malaysia.

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22 July 2017

2017 Nalanda Award for Leadership Integrity

On 1 July 2017, Nalanda Institute Malaysia had the honour of conferring the ‘2017 NALANDA AWARD FOR LEADERSHIP INTEGRITY’ to Datuk Charlie Chia.  In the 1970’s and 80’s, he played a vital role in the formation and development of several Buddhist organisations in Malaysia, including the Buddhist Missionary Society Youth Section, the Buddhist Society of Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Kota Tinggi Buddhist Society, Mettā Lodge Johor Bahru, and Kuantan Buddhist Association.

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21 July 2017

2017 Nalanda Award for Dhammaduta

On 1 July 2017, Nalanda Institute Malaysia had the honour of conferring the ‘2017 NALANDA AWARD FOR DHAMMADUTA’ to Dr. Punna Wong Yin Onn.  Dr. Wong started serving the Buddha-Sāsana actively in the year 2000.  Since 2004, he has been leading weekly Dhamma-sharing sessions at Mettā Lodge Buddhist Society in Johor Bahru.  In 2016, he published a book titled “Walking in the Buddha’s Footprint, 100 Reflective Essays”, a collection of Dhamma lessons and experience he encountered in the past two decades.

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7 January 2015

2015 Nalanda Award for Dhammaduta

On 2 January 2015, Nalanda Institute Malaysia had the honour of conferring the ‘2015 NALANDA AWARD FOR DHAMMADUTA’ to Achariya Vijaya Samarawickrama – a well-known veteran Dhamma-speaker who has given more than 4 decades of excellent and altruistic service to the Buddha-Sasana.

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