Every Sunday morning, from 16 February to 16 March, parents of newly joined Dhamma School students at Sri Serdang, participated in the ‘Parents Induction Programme’ (PIP). This programme is tailored for parents who may be new to Dhamma, to gain a basic understanding as a foundation for their learning as well as their childrens’.
Read moreWe warmly invite you for a Dhamma talk by Ven. Sugatavaṃsa this coming Wednesday 26 March at 8.30pm. The evening service will commence with chanting and guided meditation. All are welcome.
Read moreNalanda Centre will be hosting Venerable Vimuttadhammika from 23 to 26 March at Nalanda Centre, Sri Serdang. Originally from the Netherlands, he was ordained as a Bhikkhu in 2020 under Ven. Ariyadhammika at Sāsanārakkha Buddhist Sanctuary in Taiping, Perak.
Read moreOn Sunday 16 March, Nalanda Youth Centre warmly welcomed university students from Xiamen University Malaysia Buddhist Society for a meaningful gathering on the topic of "Blessings in Life." Their visit began with the Patron’s Day joint service, followed by fellowship activities and an inspiring Dhamma sharing by Sis. Sunanda. She shared insights from the Maṅgala Sutta, highlighting three essential qualities for cultivating blessings—Gāravo (reverence) towards teachers and parents, Nivāto (humility) in letting go of ego, and Santutthī (contentment) in overcoming greed and attachment.
Read more“As I made way through the Bazar Rakyat market’s stalls before 8.30am last Saturday 15 March, a number of stall vendors eagerly called out to me (recognising our attire) and asked in local dialect “Oh, the monks are coming today! How many will be here? When are they arriving?” As I responded, the happiness in my heart grew as I see their eagerness to not miss out on this opportunity to do a good deed.
Read moreOn Sunday 16 March, members of Nalanda Buddhist Society attended the 22nd Annual General Meeting (A.G.M.) at Nalanda Centre, Sri Serdang. Reviewing the past year’s programmes and progress, members rejoiced over the Dhamma and educational programmes held as well as the presence and guidance of monastics and Dhamma teachers.
Read moreMembers of Nalanda Buddhist Society Malaysia registered at Sri Serdang headquarters will convene for the Society’s 22nd Annual General Meeting tomorrow, Sunday, 16 March 2025, at 2 pm. Members will review last year’s activities, and discuss the Society’s latest development plans. The 2025-2027 term Board of Management will also be elected at this A.G.M. We look forward to welcome you back to our spiritual home.
Read moreFrom 6 – 8 March, we were honoured to host Ven. Ajahn Nando on his maiden visit to Nalanda. During his stay, devotees had the opportunity to make offerings and learn from Ajahn's Dhamma teaching delivered on Friday, 7 March.
Read morePustaka Nalanda is honoured to host Bro. Benny Liow to share his thoughts on editing “K. Sri Dhammananda – A Pictorial Retrospect“. The book is available for viewing at Sumangala Room at Nalanda Centre.
Read moreWe are pleased to remind all Nalanda Buddhist Society members registered at Sri Serdang headquarters to attend the 22nd Annual General Meeting (A.G.M.) – to be held on Sunday, 16 March 2025, 2.00 pm, at Nalanda Centre.
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