Nalanda TV

2 May 2020

‘Buddha Day’ theme for B.E. 2564

In just a few days, Buddhists worldwide will be celebrating the sacred ‘Buddha Day’.  This joyous occasion which falls on the full-moon day of Vesakhā month commemorates the anniversary of Buddha’s Enlightenment twenty-six centuries ago.  It also marks the beginning of a new Buddhist Year – the Buddhist Era (B.E.) 2564. Watch this short video clip to find out what the theme for this year’s celebration is.

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22 March 2020

Venerable Dhammavuddho – 3-month Memorial

Today marks three months since the passing of Venerable Dhammavuddho Mahāthero on 22 December 2019. We share with you this video to commemorate the life of a simple monk who embodied perseverance, compassion and kindness for the welfare and benefit of many people.

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31 January 2019

Thank you for an amazing 2018!

2018 has been an amazing year at Nalanda, marking 15 years of holistic education and unyielding service to Buddha-Sāsana.  We thank all members, supporters and benefactors for your continuous support for the benefit and growth of the Buddhist community.

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7 November 2018

Celebrating 15 Years of Holistic Education

Nalanda Buddhist Society was established in 2003, with our name bestowed by our late teacher and spiritual adviser, Venerable K. Sri Dhammananda.  Since inception, Nalanda has been focusing on providing holistic Buddhist education to the community, which to date has benefitted over 23,000 students and participants throughout Malaysia.

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19 September 2018

Rejoicing with remarkable youths

Nalanda Youth Centre held another successful and impactful Dhamma Living Camp for Young Adults from 8 to 11 September.  The camp was instrumental in laying the foundation and strengthening the resolve for 130 youths to walk the Noble Path of Dhamma.

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7 June 2018

‘Buddha Day’ celebration at Nalanda

The Wesak full-moon ‘Buddha Day’ celebration was a week ago, but its joyful spirit still lingers in our hearts.  The observance at Nalanda Centre has always been a great occasion for everyone – it is not just a spiritual celebration, but also a cultural feast based upon deep Buddhist heritage.

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8 April 2018

Joy of serving and growing together

For three days from 30 March to 1 April, representatives of Theravāda Buddhist organisations in Malaysia gathered in Puchong for the first-ever Leaders’ Summit to discuss ways to improve leadership quality for the community.  The inaugural Summit was jointly organised by Nalanda Institute and the Theravāda Buddhist Council of Malaysia.  It targeted society Presidents, Deputy Presidents, Honorary Secretaries, and Youth Leaders as participants.  All in, twenty organisations sent 76 delegates to the convention.

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19 March 2018

Video tribute to our venerable teacher

As Malaysian Buddhists celebrate the 100th birth anniversary of the late Venerable Dr. K. Sri Dhammananda (1918 – 2006) this week, we shall forever be grateful to his prolific teachings and writings which have benefited thousands of people in understanding and appreciating the Buddha-Dhamma.

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19 January 2018

Celebrating a remarkable 2017

Last year was truly amazing for Nalanda Buddhist Society when we had hugely successful events such as the WACANA Conference, ‘e-Run for Community Education’, Dhamma-Living Camps, and two special year-end Dhammayatras. Our focus on educating teenagers and youths yielded great results with hundreds of enthusiastic young Buddhists participating in Nalanda’s numerous learning programmes.

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29 August 2017

Joy lingers – 10 days on

On Sunday 27 August, Nalanda hosted a joyous celebration to thank all volunteers who worked hard for last week’s ‘Family Fun Fair’. Although the event was held 10 days ago, the gladness and delight is still strongly felt by everyone.

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