Nalanda Youth Centre

Pertaining to Nalandian youths and Nalanda Youth Centre – its activities, events, camps, campaigns, etc.

26 August 2015

Visit by youths of Baha’i Faith

On Saturday 22 August, a group of youths of the Baha’i faith visited Nalanda Centre.  They were warmly welcomed by Nalanda Dhamma School facilitators and youths.

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19 August 2015

Youths did well at ‘Family Fun Fair’

During the recent Nalanda ‘Family Fun Fair’, Nalandian youths embarked on a strong effort to reach out to the community of young Buddhists.  A ‘Youth Centre Canopy’ was set up comprising two sections: one section for Buddhist Societies from various universities to establish their stalls, and another section housing an exhibition themed “The Silver Lining”, which aimed to promote kindness.

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27 July 2015

Bodhi Heartz Youth Club visits Nalanda

On Saturday 18 July, 35 members from Bodhi Heartz Youth Club paid a visit to Nalanda Centre, Sri Serdang as part of their tour to the Klang Valley.  They were warmly welcomed and hosted by Director of Nalanda Centre, Sis. Nandini and Nalandian Youths.

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19 July 2015

Service Sunday for Youths

On Sunday 5 July, Nalandian youths ‘spiced’ their weekly Youth Service Sunday with an ‘Ultimate Frisbee’ session.  After the challenging and intensive sport, the youths contributed their services by patching up uneven spots in the field for the convenience of other users. Read more

15 July 2015

Youth ‘Cultivation’ Night

On Saturday 4 July, Nalandian youths initiated an intensive 10-week programme for deepening their learning and practice of the Dhamma.  After a 45-minute meditation, the youths discussed the ‘Ratthapāla Sutta’ from the ‘Majjhima Nikaya’ (MN 82) in relation to their daily experiences. We rejoice in the youths’ zealous spirit to walk along the path of Dhamma.  Sadhu anumodana!

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9 July 2015

Visit by Buddhist Fellowship Youth, Singapore

From 19 to 21 June, Nalanda Youth Centre was honoured to host the vibrant youth and their mentors from the Buddhist Fellowship of Singapore for their annual retreat.  Our Singaporean friends had several inspiring and fruitful ‘Dhamma Chat’ sessions with Nalanda Founder, Bro. Tan who guided them on Buddhist Leadership which also benefited the Nalandian youths.  There was an interactive session among the youth to exchange views and ideas on the programme of their respective Youth Centre.

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20 May 2015

The ‘Silver Lining’ Awards Presentation

On Saturday 16 May, the “Silver Lining” Photography Competition Awards presentation was held at Nalanda Centre, attended by nearly all prize recipients, their families and friends.  The ceremony marked the close of Nalanda Youth Centre’s two-month campaign to raise awareness on the importance of kindness and compassion in society.

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12 May 2015

Thank you for supporting Kindness

Dear friends, the on-line voting for the best photograph of the ‘Silver Lining’ Photography Competition is closed effective 8pm, 11th May.  In the week-long voting period from 5th to 11th May, 48,640 people viewed the photographs; 1,764 people voted on-line; and 8,387 votes were received in total.

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10 May 2015

Vote for ‘kindness’ today!

Last day of voting for the ‘Silver Lining’

Since March 2015, a group of Nalandian youths have been running the ‘Silver Lining’ Photography Competition and Exhibition, which is themed ‘Random Acts of Kindness’.  Their campaign aims at promoting awareness and cultivation of kindness among Malaysian youths, and also in appreciating the kindness of others towards us.

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5 May 2015

Vote On-line for the Best Photograph

The ‘Silver Lining’ Photography Competition On-line Voting is now Open!

The voting for the ‘Silver Lining’ Photography Competition is open from 5 – 11 May.  The Top 20 shortlisted photographs by our panel of judges have been posted onto Nalanda’s Facebook page; but we need your help to allocate them their positions!

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