
Refers to individuals or groups of Nalandian officers, members, and volunteers.

13 February 2015

Nalanda SP Branch Annual General Meeting

Calling all SP Branch members!  The 2nd Annual General Meeting of Nalanda Sungai Petani Branch will be held on Saturday, 14 February 2015, starting at 2.00 pm.  The meeting will be held at Central Kedah Buddhist Association.  All registered Branch members are invited to this important meeting for updates on the Society’s and Branch’s development in 2014, as well as upcoming plans for 2015.  Thank you and metta.

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9 February 2015

Observing Uposatha Day meaningfully

On Tuesday 3 February, Nalandians returned ‘Home’ to Nalanda Centre Sri Serdang to spend a fruitful one-day meditation retreat in conjunction with the Thaipusam holiday.  It was a day to ‘let go’ of their busy routines and to practice being here and now.  Nalandians were striving diligently in their practice at the serenity of the Centre.

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5 February 2015

Gardening Day at Nalanda House

On Saturday 31 January, Nalandians and devotees returned to spruce up the greenery around Nalanda House and the planters’ boxes in light of the upcoming Chinese Lunar New Year.  They started in the morning at 8am and worked tirelessly right up till evening.  It was indeed inspiring to see this “army of gardeners” offering their selfless services for the better of the environment. Sadhu!

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4 February 2015

“The Buddhist Way of Life”

On Sunday 25 January, Bro. Ānanda Fong gave an informative Dhamma talk on “The Buddhist Way of Life” at Nalanda Centre Sri Serdang.  He elaborated on The Noble Eightfold Path, and quoted the Uposatha Sutta (Aṅguttara Nikāya 8.41) for further reference.

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2 February 2015

Nalanda ‘Samaggi’ Day

On Sunday 25 January, Nalandians came together at Nalanda Centre in their white top and sarung in conjunction with ‘Samaggi’ Day which falls on the last Sunday of every month.   ‘Samaggi’ means unity and concord.

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5 January 2015

Jubilant New Year’s Dinner!

On 2 January 2015, Nalandians from all over the country gathered for New Year’s dinner together.  The atmosphere was joyous and festive as new and old friends exchanged warm greetings and reconnected with each other.   

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3 January 2015

2nd Members’ Convention successfully concluded

3 January 2015 saw the successful conclusion of the 2nd National Members’ Convention at the newly expanded Nalanda Centre in Sri Serdang.  120 Nalandians from Selangor, Kuala Lumpur, Johor and Kedah congregated over four days to discuss and realign their understanding of Nalanda’s education philosophy and mission.  Members also took the opportunity to strengthen fellowship, share personal experiences, and make aspirations together.

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20 December 2014

Happily cleaning the New Building

On Sunday 14 December, the youthful Nalandian squad continued to clean the Nalanda Centre annex building after the morning Service.  The expanded Centre is due for opening later this month.  We thank all volunteers who have been coming daily to the Centre to help in preparing the place to host the year-end National Members’ Convention.  Sadhu anumodana!

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14 December 2014

Cleaning up the New Building

For the past few days, Nalandians have been coming back to the Centre daily to help with house-keeping and cleaning.  There is a lot of camaraderie and esprit-de-corps as they heeded the call for duty and returned to the Centre on their days off to help with the cleanup and maintenance work.

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12 December 2014

2nd National Members’ Convention

Nalanda Buddhist Society members nationwide are invited to participate in the 2nd National Members’ Convention to be held over 4 days starting 31 December 2014.  The theme of this convention is “Towards Transformation – Challenges and Opportunities”.  There will be talks and sharing by teachers and Nalandian leaders on preparing ourselves to meet upcoming tribulations.

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