
Refers to official announcements by Nalanda Secretariat or other divisions.

7 August 2013

Nalanda Centre Closed from 8 – 12 August 2013

Kindly note that Nalanda Centre and Pustaka Nalanda will be closed from 8 – 12 August 2013 for the Dhamma-Living Camp.  The Centre and Library will be reopened on Tuesday, 13 August, at 10.00 am. Wishing everyone a harmonious and enjoyable holiday!  Thank you.

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7 July 2013

Statement on the Mahabodhi Temple Bombings

Today, a series of bomb explosions was committed by suspected terrorists at the most sacred site to Buddhists worldwide – the Mahabodhi Temple in Bodhgaya, India – the seat of Buddha’s Enlightenment 2,600 years ago, injuring a few pilgrims and damaging some structures.

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9 June 2013

Newsletter for Nalanda Officers launched

The Nalanda Secretariat today published the first issue of a newsletter specially catering for the needs of Nalanda's 70 office-bearers and officers.  'Nalandian', the newsletter, carries such contents as Founder Bro.Tan's message, directives from the leadership, news about policies, practices and culture.  This newsletter aims to provide officers with general guidelines, management policies, and to share crucial information.  Nalandian officers are encouraged to make full use of this additional facility to plan better programmes and events for the community.

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22 May 2013

Mass Food Offering & Metta Bhāvanā on Wesak Day

A Mass Food Offering for the public will be held on Wesak Buddha Day, 24 May, from 5.30pm to 6.30pm.  Every year, devotees bring along food to share and serve the public out of generosity and humility.  We rejoice in knowing that many who received food years ago are now offering food to the public in return!  Sharing blessings and working together in harmony, this mass food offering is also a wonderful opportunity to cultivate ourselves spiritually.

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22 May 2013

Buddha Day Heritage Procession – 24 May, 7pm

The Buddha Day Heritage Procession at Nalanda is a unique cultural and spiritual experience that attracts more than 1,000 participants yearly.  It is the only Heritage Procession in Malaysia where the Buddharupam is conveyed on a wooden sedan to the harmonious beat of drums and gongs, accompanied by beautifully hand-crafted paraphernalia carried by traditionally-dressed devotees holding candle-lights.

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21 May 2013

Buddha Jayanti Photograph Exhibition, 24–26 May

The Buddha Jayanti Exhibition is one of the highlights of Nalanda’s Wesak Observance.  From handcrafted exhibits to photographs, messages of the Dhamma are illustrated through visual presentations to stimulate reflection from the viewer’s perspective.

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20 May 2013

Blood Donation Campaign

Do you know that a pint of blood can save up to 3 lives?  Blood donation is safe, painless, simple and noble.  It is also one of the most wholesome deeds one can do this Wesak.  You can make a life and death difference for others in need, by just coming forward to donate blood.

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17 March 2013

Annual General Meeting on 24 March 2013

The Management Committee of Nalanda Buddhist Society Malaysia has called for the 10th Annual General Meeting (AGM) of Nalanda members, to be held on Sunday, 24 March 2013, starting at 9.00am.

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22 February 2013

Nalandians at Berjaya Times Square, KL

Nalanda is honoured by the invitation to participate in the Berjaya Founder’s Day celebration on Saturday, 23 February, at Berjaya Times Square, Kuala Lumpur.  Berjaya Founder’s Day is an annual celebration of philanthropy, volunteerism, and community service.  Nalandians were busy over the past few nights packing souvenirs and gifts for the occasion.  Some 20,000 visitors are expected at the Mall.  Meet us there on the 10th Floor, from morning to evening to share the joy of selfless service!   All are welcome, Svagatam.

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21 February 2013

New Nalanda Branches to be Established

Since 2009, there has been a significant increase in the number of outstation devotees traveling to Nalanda Centre in Sri Serdang to attend various courses and activities.  Thus, at the Members’ EGM on 13 January 2013, Nalanda Buddhist Society has decided to establish full-fledged branches outside Serdang to serve our community better.

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