
Refers to official announcements by Nalanda Secretariat or other divisions.

22 May 2019

BPS 403 – Higher Certificate in Buddhist Studies

Nalanda Institute Malaysia is offering a 5-month certificate course in Buddhist Studies commencing 6 July 2019.  This course consists of 6 modules and is suitable for those who have obtained the Certificate in Buddhist Studies BPS 303, BPS 304, BPS 305 or equivalent qualifications.

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16 March 2019

Nalanda Buddhist Society’s 16th A.G.M.

All members of Nalanda Buddhist Society Malaysia registered at Sri Serdang headquarters are reminded to attend the 16th Annual General Meeting on Sunday, 17 March.  Members will review last year’s activities, and discuss the Society’s latest development plans.   The 2019-2021 term Board of Management will also be elected at this A.G.M.  Let us come together to chart our future!

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12 March 2019

Going back to ‘School’

Do you miss the ‘good old schooldays’?  Here is an opportunity for adults to go back to ‘school’ – Nalanda Dhamma School.  We are offering a unique 14-month programme catering for adults who would like to learn the Buddha’s teachings from the very basics, in a ‘Dhamma School’ environment.

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28 February 2019

Nalanda Dhamma School for Adults

Nalanda Buddhist Society is offering a unique 14-month programme catering for adults who would like to learn the Buddha’s teachings in a gradual and systematic way in a ‘Dhamma School’ environment.  This special programme is designed to give students clarity about life’s purpose and direction, as well as to enhance wisdom and resilience in facing the myriad challenges and stresses of everyday life.

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9 February 2019

Nalanda Centre reopens tomorrow

Nalanda Centre, Youth Centre and Pustaka Nalanda in Sri Serdang will be reopened tomorrow after the week-long Lunar New Year celebrations.  The Sunday Morning Service will start at 9am with meditation, chanting, and Dhamma talk.  Nalanda Youth Centre will also be holding the Youth Sunday Service with a workshop on cultivating gratitude in daily life.

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1 February 2019

Nalanda Centre closed for Chinese New Year

Nalanda Buddhist Society wishes everyone a joyous and blissful Chinese New Year!  May you and your loved ones be blessed with good health, happiness and peace in the year ahead.  We also wish you safe travels and a harmonious holiday spent fruitfully with friends and family. 新年快乐,吉祥如意!

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5 June 2018

BPS305 – Certificate in Buddhist Studies

Nalanda Institute Malaysia is offering a 10-session Certificate course in Buddhist Studies commencing on 14 July 2018.  This course consists of four modules over a single 4-month semester; it introduces Dhamma learning in a structured, systematic, and holistic manner.

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10 March 2018

Notice of 15th Annual General Meeting of Nalanda members

Namo Buddhaya!  Nalanda Buddhist Society’s Board of Management would like to extend our appreciation towards our members’ unfailing support and immense contribution to the Society throughout 2017.

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10 February 2018

Nalanda Centre closed for holiday

Nalanda Centre in Sri Serdang will be closed from 13 to 20 February in conjunction with Lunar New Year celebrations.  The Centre will reopen as usual on Wednesday, 21 February at 10.00am.  We wish everyone a happy and blessed New Year!  May you have a joyful and meaningful time bonding with your family, relatives and friends.  新年快乐,万事如意!

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7 October 2017

Briefing for pilgrims to India

This year, Nalanda Institute is organising two pilgrimage tours to India and Nepal led by founder Bro. Tan: (1) the special pilgrimage for Buddhist youths in November; and (2) the tri-national (Malaysian-Singaporean-Indonesian) pilgrimage in December.

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