
Refers to official announcements by Nalanda Secretariat or other divisions.

12 July 2017

Nalanda Family Fun Fair 2017

Nalanda Family Fun Fair 2017 aims to raise funds for a new Dhamma learning facility – the K. Sri Dhammananda Centre in Sri Serdang.  Once completed, the facility will provide opportunities for more children and teenagers to attend Dhamma classes.

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4 July 2017

New books published in July

Nalanda Buddhist Society has just printed another 17,000 copies of Ajahn Buddhadāsa’s booklets, namely “Nibbāna for Everyone” (NEW release), “Kamma in Buddhism”*, “Living in the Present”*, and “Getting Started in Mindfulness with Breathing”* (*all second editions) for free distribution throughout Malaysia.  In addition, Nalanda Institute also published a new book – “The Buddha-Word : Discovering the Essential” – for WACANA 2017 Buddhist Conference held on 1 July.

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12 June 2017

“Sri Lanka Relief Fund” closing Friday

The devastating floods which hit Sri Lanka recently caused hundreds of deaths and resulted in widespread damages to infrastructure, homes, and temples.  Nalanda had set up a fund to help with relief and recovery work in Sri Lanka.  We are grateful to the public who donated generously to help affected communities there to recover from this critical disaster.

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21 April 2017

e-Run 2017 Volunteer Appreciation

Nalanda e-Run 2017 Organising Committee will be hosting an appreciation ceremony for volunteers on Sunday 23 April, beginning 11.45am.   We cordially invite e-Run volunteers to join us at Level 3 of Nalanda Centre this Sunday for the programme.  Thank you all for the wonderful effort and contribution towards the success of this event.  Looking forward to seeing you there!

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30 March 2017

Collect your T-shirts and Race-bibs

We would like to thank everyone for supporting the upcoming Nalanda e-Run which will be held on 16 April 2017. This charity event aims to raise funds for holistic education that benefits the entire Malaysian community.

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10 March 2017

14th Annual General Meeting

Nalanda members are reminded to attend the 14th Annual General Meeting of the Society this Sunday, 12 March, starting at 2pm.  The Secretariat and Treasury will table their working and financial reports for 2016 respectively.  There will also be discussions on the Society’s development plans for 2017-2018, and the election of a new Board of Management.

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5 March 2017

‘Dhammayatra’ through India & Nepal

A ‘Dhammayatra’ is a spiritual pilgrimage to retrace the path taken by our Enlightened Teacher 2,600 years ago, and to discover the timeless beauty and efficacy of His marvellous teachings.

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26 February 2017

Notice of 14th Annual General Meeting

Nalanda Buddhist Society Malaysia’s Board of Management would like to invite all members registered with Serdang headquarters to attend our 14th Annual General Meeting scheduled for Sunday, 12 March 2017, starting 2.00pm, at Nalanda Centre Sri Serdang.

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16 February 2017

AGMs and Members’ Convention

As the pace picks up after the Lunar New Year holidays and heading towards the month of Vesakha (April-May), Nalandians will get busier with educational and community outreach programmes in the coming weeks.  It is time again for members to attend important meetings to discuss and plan for the year ahead.  Nalanda Buddhist Society is happy to invite members to the following meetings:

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1 February 2017

Nalanda Centre reopens 2 February

We are happy to inform you that Nalanda Centre, Youth Centre and Pustaka Nalanda (the Library) in Sri Serdang will resume operations tomorrow after the week-long Lunar New Year celebrations.

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