
Refers to official announcements by Nalanda Secretariat or other divisions.

12 September 2014

NalandaTV Episode 10 – Leadership Change at Nalanda Institute

Episode 10 of NalandaTV is now available for viewing on-line!  This episode reports on the recent appointment of a new Director for Nalanda Institute.  On Thursday 26 June, a simple but meaningful ceremony to hand-over duties to the new Director was held at Nalanda Centre, Sri Serdang.

The joyous occasion saw Achariya Vijaya Samarawickrama, who helmed Nalanda Institute for the past 4 years, hand over the baton to the new Director, Achariya Tan Siang Chye.  The sentiment at the Directorship’s handing-over ceremony was both joyous and appreciative.

Click on the screen below to enjoy the broadcast, and please SHARE it with your family and friends.  Thank you and mettā!

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22 August 2014

‘Selamat pulang’, MH17

Today, we receive the remains of 20 fellow Malaysians who perished on MH17 on their most poignant journey home.  We are united as a nation and people in prayer for all casualties and their loved ones.  May they be at Peace – ‘Santi’.

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20 August 2014

4 days to Family Fun Fair!

The Nalanda ‘Family Fun Fair’ is just 4-days away!  It’s time to invite our family, friends, and contacts to come for a fun-day out while supporting a noble cause.  Funds raised at the Fair will go towards the on-going Building Expansion Project and to support educational programmes of Nalanda Institute, Dharma School, and Free School.  Your support means a lot to the community!  Thank you and mettā.

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7 August 2014

It’s Bigger & Better this year!

The much-anticipated ‘NALANDA FAMILY FUN FAIR’ is just 2 weeks away!  This year’s ‘Family Fun Fair’ will be the biggest ever held in Sri Serdang, with over 160 stalls offering a wide range of food, beverages, household items, handicrafts, and merchandise.  There will also be cultural performances and a ‘talent-time’ show.  In short, it is going to be a wonderful outing for families and friends while supporting a noble cause!

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15 July 2014

NalandaTV Episode 9 – Members’ Convention

Dear friends, Episode 9 of NalandaTV is now available for viewing on-line!  This episode reports on the National Members’ Convention held in Sri Serdang from 1 – 3 May, in conjunction with Nalanda Buddhist Society’s 11th Anniversary.

Nalanda members from all over the country had a wonderful time spent in great camaraderie and spiritual solidarity.  There were many touching personal sharing by Nalandians about their good friends.  Founder Bro. Tan also gave a moving and stirring talk on what it means to be a ‘good practitioner and friend’.

Watch inspiring scenes and interviews in this interesting episode!  Please click on the screen below to enjoy the broadcast, and kindly SHARE with your family and friends.

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3 July 2014

Higher Certificate course begins on Saturday

The much-anticipated BPS402 Higher Certificate in Buddhist Studies programme will begin this Saturday, 5 July 2014.  This 5-month course is offered by Nalanda Institute’s Department of Buddhist & Pāli Studies (BPS).  It is suitable for those who have obtained basic qualifications in Buddhist Studies and who wish to deepen their learning and understanding.

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1 July 2014

Achariya Vijaya heads Nalanda Education Team

Achariya Vijaya Samarawickrama today assumes the Chair of Nalanda Education Team (NET), a committee comprising divisional and departmental heads of Nalanda Institute, Nalanda Dharma School, Pustaka Nalanda, and Free School.  The NET is tasked with overseeing the implementation of Nalanda’s education philosophy and approach in all programmes.

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30 June 2014

New Director of Nalanda Institute appointed

We are pleased to announce the appointment of Achariya Tan Siang Chye as the third Director of Nalanda Institute Malaysia, effective 1 July 2014, for a 3-year term.

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20 June 2014

Nalanda Members’ Day

Calling all Nalanda members from the central zone!  Nalanda Members’ Day will be held this Sunday 22 June, from 2pm to 5pm, at Nalanda Centre, Sri Serdang.

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19 June 2014

BPS 402 – Higher Certificate in Buddhist Studies

After the successful completion of the 10-session ‘Certificate in Buddhist Studies’ in 2013, Nalanda Institute’s Department of Buddhist & Pāli Studies is now offering the much anticipated 5-month ‘Higher Certificate Course in Buddhist Studies’, beginning 5 July 2014.

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