
Refers to official announcements by Nalanda Secretariat or other divisions.

4 June 2014

NalandaTV reports on launching of Youth Centre

Episode 8 of NalandaTV reports on the official launching of Nalanda Youth Centre on 1 May 2014.  The joyous occasion was presided over by Ven. Sri Saranankara Nayaka Thero, and attended by more than 200 Nalanda members and devotees.  The Guest of Honour was Bro. Goh Qing Song, President of Young Buddhist Association of Malaysia (YBAM).  Watch inspiring scenes and interviews with young Nalandians in this interesting episode!

Click on the screen below to enjoy the broadcast, and please SHARE it with your family and friends.  Enjoy viewing!

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13 May 2014

Buddha Day Heritage Procession

The Buddha Day Heritage Procession at Nalanda is a unique cultural and spiritual experience.  It is the only Heritage Procession in Malaysia where the Buddharupam is conveyed on a wooden sedan by traditionally dressed devotees, to the harmonious beating of drums and gongs.

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12 May 2014

Pindacāra at Nalanda Centre on Wesak Day

We would like to invite everyone to join us on Wesak ‘Buddha Day’, 13 May, at 7 am to participate in the Pindacāra (monks going on alms-round) programme at Nalanda Centre Sri Serdang.  The alms-round aims to inculcate the values of generosity, humility and kindness among devotees through offering of food and requisites to Sangha members.

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11 May 2014

“Mass Food Offering” on Wesak Buddha Day

A “Mass Food Offering” for the public will be held on Wesak ‘Buddha Day’, 13 May, from 12.00pm to 1.30pm at NEO Centre Johor Bahru, and from 5.30pm to 6.30pm at Nalanda Centre Sri Serdang.  Every year, kind-hearted devotees prepare food to share and serve the public out of generosity and humility.  Everyone who comes will be served with respect and loving-kindness.

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10 May 2014

Wesak Buddha Day Observance

‘Buddha Day’ falls on the full-moon day of Wesak (Pāli, ‘Vesakhā’) month. In the Theravāda tradition, it commemorates the three important occasions in the life of the Buddha – his birth, Enlightenment, and passing away.

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9 May 2014

Wesak Highlight – ‘Buddha Jayanti’ Exhibition

The ‘Buddha Jayanti’ Exhibition is one of the highlights of Nalanda’s Wesak Observance.  From handcrafted exhibits to photographs, messages of the Dhamma are illustrated through visual presentations to stimulate reflection from the viewer’s perspective. Read more
8 May 2014

Blood Donation Campaign at Nalanda Centre

Do you know that with a pint of blood you donate, 3 lives can be saved?  Perform a wholesome deed this Wesak by participating in the Blood Donation Campaign.  It only takes a little of your time to donate blood, but its effect on someone’s life will last forever.

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7 May 2014

“Taking Refuge” Ceremony on Buddha Day

Nalanda Buddhist Society will be organising a “Taking Refuge” Ceremony on this Wesak Buddha Day, Tuesday 13 May, starting at 9.30am.  In this meaningful programme to be held at Nalanda Centre, devotees come together to seek guidance and refuge in the Three Jewels – the Buddha, Dhamma and Sangha – and to observe the Five Precepts faithfully.

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30 April 2014

Nalanda Youth Centre opens on 1 May 2014

Tomorrow is the official launching of Nalanda Youth Centre – the first dedicated centre for Buddhist youth activities in Serdang.  We are honoured to welcome Ven. B. Sri Saranankara Nayaka Thero, Sangha members, and Buddhist community leaders to join Nalandians in celebrating this milestone for the Malaysian Buddhist youth movement.

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27 April 2014

Nalanda Youth Centre to be launched on 1 May

After some renovation and sprucing up, the Nalanda Youth Centre will be officially launched this Thursday, 1 May 2014, in conjunction with Nalanda’s 11th Anniversary celebrations.

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