
6 October 2018

K. Sri Dhammananda Centre to be launched today

Tonight at 9.00pm, the ‘K. Sri Dhammananda Centre’ in Sri Serdang will be officially launched by the Maha Sangha. The newly-completed building is named after Nalanda’s late Spiritual Adviser, and is dedicated to Buddhist education and Dhamma propagation.

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3 October 2018

Joyfully preparing for twin celebrations

Nalanda Centre is teeming with activity as Nalandians prepare to receive more than 1,200 benefactors and supporters this Saturday to mark the Society’s 15th Anniversary Appreciation Night.  The final touches are also underway to launch the newly-constructed K. Sri Dhammananda Centre on the same evening.

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27 September 2018

Much anticipated launching of K. Sri Dhammananda Centre

After a year of reconstruction, we are deeply honoured to invite the community to the launching of ‘K. Sri Dhammananda Centre’ on Saturday, 6 October 2018.  The newly-completed building is named after Nalanda’s late Spiritual Adviser – the most Venerable K. Sri Dhammananda – who inaugurated our Society in 2003.  This facility is solely dedicated to Buddhist education and Dhamma propagation.

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15 March 2018

New van launched with gratitude

On Sunday 25 February, Nalanda members and devotees witnessed the launching of the Society’s new passenger van with much gratitude and appreciation.  Founder Bro. Tan led the recitation of ‘parittas’ to inaugurate the van, and named it ‘S. K. Aruna’, meaning “the arrival of dawn”.  This was followed by a simple blessing ceremony by everyone present.

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20 October 2017

Launching of new Mettārama Centre

Nalanda representatives will be traveling to Kota Bharu this Friday, 20 October to celebrate the opening ceremony of the new Mettārama Meditation Centre.  Ten members – five from Serdang and the rest from Kedah – will join devotees in Kelantan to celebrate this auspicious occasion.

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13 October 2016

Sunday talk by Dr. Phang

Nalanda Centre is delighted to host the launching of Dr. Phang Cheng Kar’s latest book, “NOW: Who wants to learn MINDFUL-Gym?   12 Mindful Tools for Stress Reduction & Wellness”, followed by his talk.  Everyone is invited to attend this joyful occasion on Sunday.

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26 May 2016

Book launched in simple ceremony

Wesak ‘Buddha Day’ on 21 May seemed the perfect day to launch the Malaysian edition of Venerable Ajahn Jayasaro’s insightful book – “Without & Within” – at Nalanda Centre, Sri Serdang.  The book was launched in a simple but meaningful ceremony by Venerable Dhammalankara, Venerable Samiddhi, and the Honorable Mr. Gobind Singh Deo, Member of Parliament for Puchong, who was Nalanda’s Guest-of-honour for the ‘Buddha Day’ gathering.

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4 January 2016

NEO Centre Sungai Petani opened

On Friday, 25 December 2015, the Nalanda Education & Outreach (NEO) Centre in Sungai Petani was officiated by Venerable B. Sri Saranankara Nāyaka Thero.  The simple but meaningful ceremony was attended by Nalanda members from all over the country.

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21 December 2015

Helping to prepare for Centre launching

Nalanda members in Sri Serdang have been working busily but happily lately to help prepare for the launching of NEO Centre Sungai Petani this Uposatha full-moon day, on 25 December 2015.

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20 December 2015

NEO Centre Sungai Petani inaugurated

The Nalanda Education & Outreach (NEO) Centre in Sungai Petani, Kedah, was inaugurated on 11 December with a simple yet meaningful ceremony. Inaugurating the Centre means dedicating it as a Buddhist educational facility. The choice of 11 December was significant as it was an Uposatha new-moon day as well as Nalanda’s ‘Education Day’.

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