
25 September 2015

Opening of Serdang Buddhist Association new premises

On Wednesday 16 September, Nalanda President Sis. Evelyn Chow, Deputy President Bro. Charlie, Director of Nalanda Centre Sis. Nandini, Youth Leader Bro. Disheng and Officer Sis. Chooi were invited to witness the inauguration ceremony of the new Serdang Buddhist Association building.

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26 June 2015

Nalandians attend ‘Dāna’ at Mangala Lodge

On Friday 8 May, scores of Nalandians led by President Sis. Evelyn Chow visited Kampar, Perak, to witness the consecration of Buddha-Altar at Mangala Lodge.  Venerable Nyanaramsi Maha Thero, Abbot of Subang Jaya (Buddhist Association) Vihāra, presided over the meaningful and joyful ceremony.

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26 May 2015

Officiating Nalanda Centre’s Annex Building

On Friday 1 May, which was Nalanda Buddhist Society’s 12th anniversary, Nalanda Centre was filled with joy as 1,000 Nalandians and guests came to take part in the ‘Officiating Ceremony of Nalanda Centre Annex Building’.  We were honoured to have Ven. Sri Saranankara Nayaka Thero, Abbot of Sri Lanka Buddhist Temple in Sentul, Ven. Nyanaramsi Thero, Abbot of Subang Jaya Buddhist Vihara, and venerable members of the Maha Sangha to offer blessings at the ceremony. Read more

11 May 2015

Thank you for your kind presence

Nalanda Buddhist Society would like to thank Ven. Sri Saranankara Nāyaka Thero, Ven. Nyanaramsi Thero, Ven. Dr. Dhammapala Thero, members of the Māha Sangha, Buddhist community leaders, representatives from sister organisations, members of other faiths, benefactors, supporters and devotees for your kind presence at the officiating ceremony of Nalanda Centre Annex Building on Friday, 1 May 2015.

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10 May 2015

“Passage through India” Exhibition Launched

On Friday 1 May, the much-anticipated “Passage through India” special photography exhibition was launched in a joyful atmosphere at Nalanda Centre, Sri Serdang.  The launching was jointly performed by the Producer of ‘Dhammayatra’ Project Datin Seri Kee-Mah Ming Yuet, and Mdm. Serena Yong representing Hewlett-Packard (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd, the generous sponsor of the photograph printing.

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30 April 2015

Officiating Ceremony of Nalanda Centre

The Management and members of Nalanda Buddhist Society would like to humbly invite the Buddhist community to participate in the ‘Officiating Ceremony of Nalanda Centre Annex Building’ this Friday 1 May, starting at 6.30pm, in Sri Serdang, Selangor.

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30 March 2015

Sangha Room ‘officiated’ by Ajahn Sumedho

During his visit to Sri Serdang on Sunday 15 March, Nalandians invited Venerable Ajahn Sumedho and 3 accompanying forest bhikkhus to ‘officiate’ the new Sangha Room located at Level 4 (next to the Dhamma Teaching Hall) of Nalanda Centre.  Founder of Nalanda Bro. Tan invited the venerable monks to accept the ‘room offering’ for the use of visiting Sangha members.  Ajahn Sumedho graciously accepted the invitation and became the first person to occupy the room.

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21 March 2015

Junior Dharma School opens in Sri Serdang

On Sunday 15 March, Nalanda Dharma School (N.D.S.) marked another important milestone with the opening of the much-anticipated ‘Nalanda Junior Dharma School’ based at Nalanda House, Sri Serdang.  This is the fourth Dharma School operated by Nalanda, following the establishment of N.D.S. in 2005, the Junior School in Happy Garden, and the recently-opened teenagers school in Johor Bahru.

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30 May 2014

‘BFI House’ officially launched

On Sunday 4 May, Buddhist Fellowship Indonesia (BFI) officially launched its new centre – the “BFI House” – in a delightful ceremony. Located in the North Jakarta District of Kelapa Gading, the 4-storey centre houses an elegant shrine hall, a multi-purpose room, and ample space for future office and library.

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23 May 2014

Joyful realization of BFI House, Jakarta

This Wesak month must be a very significant one for members of Buddhist Fellowship Indonesia (BFI) as they celebrate Buddha Day (or ‘Hari Waisak’ in Indonesia) at their marvelous new ‘home’ – the BFI House.  After 8 years of operating from rented premises, BFI has moved into their delightful and welcoming new centre located in Kelapa Gading District, North Jakarta.

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