
2 May 2014

Nalanda Youth Centre officially launched

In a simple but meaningful programme on 1 May morning, the Nalanda Youth Centre was officially launched by the Guest of Honour Bro. Goh Qing Song, President of Young Buddhist Association of Malaysia, in the presence of Ven. Sri Saranankara, other Sangha members, and Buddhist community leaders.  Also present were 200 Nalanda members and guests from Malaysia and overseas. Read more

30 April 2014

Nalanda Youth Centre opens on 1 May 2014

Tomorrow is the official launching of Nalanda Youth Centre – the first dedicated centre for Buddhist youth activities in Serdang.  We are honoured to welcome Ven. B. Sri Saranankara Nayaka Thero, Sangha members, and Buddhist community leaders to join Nalandians in celebrating this milestone for the Malaysian Buddhist youth movement.

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13 March 2014

Youth Centre ready for use

After 3 months of renovation, the Nalanda Youth Centre was finally opened for use on Saturday, 1 March.  The Youth Section and Dharma School teenagers have started using the facility since then.  Nalanda Free School classes will also be shifting there in stages beginning April.

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11 January 2013

Nalanda Youth Library is now Open!

1 January 2013 marks the birth of Nalanda Youth Library.  This new addition to our expanding Pustaka Nalanda caters to the learning needs and reading interest of youths and young adults.  We were honoured to have the presence of Venerable Sing Kan and Nalanda’s founder, Bro. H S Tan at the simple yet meaningful launching ceremony on 6 January 2013.

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