Pāli Chanting

11 March 2017

‘Dhamma-Sarana Day’

12 March 2017 is ‘Dhamma-Sarana Day’ – it is the full-moon on a Sunday – and we encourage devotees to spend morning till evening at Nalanda Centre learning, practising, and contemplating the Dhamma.

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20 February 2017

Approaching the stroke of midnight

Close to midnight on 31 December 2016, members, devotees and students traditionally gathered at Nalanda Centre to participate in the New Year Eve pūja and chanting.  Instead of the worldly way of ‘counting down’ to the stroke of 12am, Nalandians choose to ‘calm down’ with meditation, reflection, and making spiritual aspirations.

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2 January 2017

Uposatha Service with Sis. Sunandā

Report by Chan Jia Xin.

After the full-moon Uposatha Pūja and meditation on Saturday 15 October, devotees were delighted to listen to a Dhamma sharing by Sis. Sunandā.  She spoke about the chronicles of Queen Mallikā, one of the great lay women disciples of the Buddha.

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14 November 2016

Brightest moon and highest delight

Scientists at NASA say that people across the world tonight will get to witness the ‘brightest’ full-moon since 1948.  This ‘supermoon’ happens at its ‘perigee’ phase, where the orbiting moon is closest to Earth, and a good 14% closer than its ‘apogee’ phase where it orbits farthest away from us.

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3 October 2016

Dhamma sharing on Uposatha Day

It was full-moon Uposatha Day on Wednesday, 17 August, and Nalanda Centre hosted an evening Dhamma sharing by Sis. Sandy Lim.  She shared what she learned recently from Ayasma Aggacitta on the ‘Noble Eightfold Path’.

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6 September 2016

Asalha Full-moon – ‘Dhamma Day’

Monday 18 July was the Asalha Full-Moon Uposatha Day, whereupon this day 2600 years ago, the Buddha delivered the First Sermon on the ‘Four Noble Truths’ and the ‘Noble Eightfold Path’ to the world.  The occasion is also known as ‘Dhamma Day’, and is one of the seven* observance days at Nalanda.

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18 July 2016

Asalha full-moon is ‘Dhamma Day’

Today is the full-moon day of Asalha month, which marks the occasion when the Buddha first taught the Dhamma after His Enlightenment.  He spoke about the ‘Four Noble Truths’ – of ‘Dukkha’ (suffering); its causes; its cessation; and the Path to its cessation – to His first five disciples at Isipatana.  That sermon which the Buddha gave became known as the famed ‘Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta’ – the ‘Discourse on turning the Wheel of Dhamma’.

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7 May 2016

Vesakha New-moon today

Today marks the start of the holy month of Vesakha.  This evening, Nalanda Centre will be hosting the Vesakha New-moon Uposatha Service beginning at 8.00pm.  We shall observe this spiritual occasion with offerings, chanting, meditation, and Dhamma sharing.  The best way to honour of our Great Teacher – the Buddha, is to enhance our efforts to learn and practise the Dhamma.  We welcome everyone to participate actively in Nalanda’s upcoming learning programmes.

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7 November 2015

Dhamma School examination for teenagers

On Sunday 1 November, 50 students aged between 13 and 17 years old sat for the annual Nalanda Dhamma School examination.  They were tested on their basic knowledge of Buddhist scriptures, including ‘Dhammapada’ verses in Pāli Language, and devotional chanting, following 10 intensive study sessions which started in September.

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5 June 2015

‘Buddha Day’ Pūja and Dhamma Talk

It was a lovely Sunday morning on 3 May, when Wesak ‘Buddha Day’ was observed in Malaysia.  The good weather with a constant, gentle breeze greeted hundreds of devotees as they arrived at Nalanda Centre to participate in the ‘Buddha Day’ Pūja and Dhamma Talk.

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