Pāli Chanting

29 May 2015

Wesak Eve Dhamma taching and chanting

On Saturday 2 May, which was Wesak Eve in Malaysia, we were honoured to hear a talk by Founder Bro. Tan at Nalanda Centre, Sri Serdang.  A capacity crowd had gathered for the evening Dhamma teaching, as well as for the Wesak Eve meditation and chanting.

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12 July 2014

‘Dhamma Day’ at Nalanda

‘Dhamma Day’ commemorates the preaching of Buddha’s first discourse after His Enlightenment – the ‘Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta’ –  where He taught His initial disciples the fundamental teachings of ‘Four Noble Truths’.  We welcome you to join us at Nalanda Centre at 9.00 am on Sunday 13 July, for a joyful and spiritual Morning Service with meditation, chanting, and a special Dhamma teaching by Nalanda Founder Bro. H S Tan.

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10 July 2014

Asalha Full-moon ‘Dhamma Day’ Observance

According to Theravada tradition, Asalha (month) Full-moon Day marks the anniversaries of the Bodhisatta’s Conception, His Great Renunciation, and the Buddha’s preaching of the first sermon – the ‘Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta’ (Discourse on ‘Turning the Wheel of Dhamma’).

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12 June 2014

Full-moon Uposatha Pūja

Today is the full-moon day for the month of Jettha – an important period in Buddhist history because after His Enlightenment, the Buddha spent this whole month pondering upon deep Dhamma.  We welcome everyone to join us at Nalanda Centre tonight for an evening of meditation, pūja, chanting, and Dhamma teaching by Bro Tan.  Come experience the joy of learning and practising in the company of like-minded spiritual friends.  All are welcome!

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3 June 2014

Jeṭṭha New-moon Uposatha Day Observance

Thursday 29 May was the New-moon day of Jeṭṭha month.  Nalandians and devotees gathered at Nalanda Centre Sri Serdang for Uposatha Observance and an evening of spiritual nurturing.  After meditation, pūja and chanting, Bro. Tan gave an inspiring Dhamma teaching based on the Buddhist parable of “blind men describing an elephant”.

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29 March 2014

Phagguna Full-moon Uposatha Pūja

Saturday, 15 March was the Phagguna Full-moon Uposatha Day.  As customary, devotees gathered at Nalanda Centre for the 8pm evening Uposatha Day Pūja and chanting.  Many practitioners also regularly observe the 8-precepts on New-moon and Full-moon days to heighten their spiritual awareness and appreciation.

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13 February 2014

An Uplifting Service Sunday

On Sunday 9 February, Bro. Tan gave an uplifting Dhamma Talk on the Buddhist concept of filial-piety.  In Chinese philosophy and culture, filial-piety (孝道) is greatly valued and highly esteemed.  Ancient stories about filial children revering and caring for their parents are widely known and often repeated.

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29 December 2013

“24-hour Metta” – Illuminating the World with Loving-kindness

On Saturday 28 December, a group of Nalandians participated in “24-hour Metta – Illuminating the World with Metta” event at Samadhi Vihara, Shah Alam to radiate loving kindness for world peace, stability and harmony.  The Nalandian team was led by Deputy President, Bro Lee Teck Beng.

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22 October 2013

Uposatha Pūja on 19 October

Uposatha Days are occasions for Buddhist monks, nuns, and laity to congregate and immerse ourselves in the Dhamma.  There are four Uposatha Days in a month – on the New-moon (1st day), 8th day, Full-moon (15th day), and 23rd day of the lunar calendar.

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7 June 2013

Learning Pāli Chanting at NEO Centre Johor Bahru

Bro. Tan made a special visit to NEO Centre Johor Bahru on 2 June to teach devotees there the proper way to conduct Pūja.  In his 3-hour sharing, Bro. Tan showed the way to pay respect, to recite the opening and closing gathas, to chant the homage, refuge-taking, five-precepts, and salutations in Pāli.  Devotees expressed amazement and great appreciation for the knowledge and understanding gained from the productive session.  Sadhu!

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