Pāli Tipitaka

15 May 2020

Are you sure the Buddha said that?

How do we know that the teachings of the Buddha that we come across are indeed what He had taught?  In this day and age, there are a growing number of misquotes of the Buddha found in social media. Content publishers ascribe quotes to “The Buddha”, to draw unknowing readers to ‘like’ their content. This inevitably leads to distorted views on Buddhism.

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20 April 2020

Mettā Sutta course begins today

This evening, we will begin the on-line learning of the Karanīya Mettā Sutta, one of the most popular discourses in the Pāli Canon.  Join us in studying the sutta in 5 lessons from 20th to 24th April, where we get to learn how to read the original Pāli-language verses, and what every word in the sutta means.

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17 April 2020

Learn the Mettā Sutta Online

The Karaniya Mettā Sutta is one of the most popular discourses of the Buddha.  Many Buddhists must have heard it recited in temples and at homes for blessings.  However the discourse also contains very deep and insightful teachings which can strengthen our Dhamma practice.

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14 May 2019

Sutta Study on Buddha Day

The Buddha’s teaching was passed down in the form of discourses and sermons (Sutta).  Before passing away, the Buddha reminded His disciples that, “the Dhamma and Vinaya I have set forth and laid down for you shall be your teacher after I am gone…”  Thus, He enshrined the Dhamma-Vinaya as the guiding principle in one’s conduct and practice towards liberation.

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13 June 2017

Last session on Dhammapada course

Nalanda founder Bro.Tan will be giving the concluding teaching on the ‘Dhammapada’ at the Buddhist Maha Vihara this Friday, 16 June, at 8.00pm.  This session marks the end of his series of six teachings there which began in March.

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29 May 2017

Lecture on Pāli language and literature

On Friday 14 April, Bro. Tan was invited to present a special lecture on Pāli language by Persatuan Buddhist Universiti Malaya’s (PBUM) Miao Xi Dhamma Speaker Training Workshop.  The talk held at the Young Buddhist Association of Malaysia (YBAM) Headquarters was well-attended by young Dhamma-speaker trainees and Nalandians.

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11 April 2017

Lecture on Pāli Language

Nalanda founder Bro. Tan will be giving a special lecture on “Pāli Language & Literature” this Friday at the Young Buddhist Association of Malaysia (YBAM) Headquarters in Taman Mayang, Petaling Jaya.  The talk is organised by Universiti Malaya Buddhist group.

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23 October 2015

History of Buddhist Texts and Scriptures

On Saturday 17 October, the Director of Nalanda Institute Achariya Tan Siang Chye gave the last lecture of the BPS 303 – Certificate in Buddhist Studies course at Nalanda Centre.  The topic was on the “Historical Development of Buddhist Texts and Scriptures”.  Before passing away, the Buddha declared to his His disciples that, “the Dhamma and Vinaya (doctrine and discipline) I have set forth and laid down for you shall be your teacher after I am gone…”  Thus, the Buddha did not appoint a successor but enshrined the Dhamma-vinaya as the guiding principle in one’s practice and quest for liberation.

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29 July 2012

History of Buddhism – Pāli Canonical Rehearsals

Rehearsing the Dhamma-vinaya

The Pāli term ‘Sangāyana’ can be translated as rehearsal or communal chanting. The purpose of a Sangāyana is to accurately preserve the original teachings of the Buddha. The reciters’ duty is to rehearse, examine, and review the Canon so that no parts of which are added, omitted or altered, and any such deviations were to be rectified. Throughout history, there had been six such formal occasions where the entire Pāli Canon was rehearsed and authenticated.

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3 July 2012

Introducing the Pāli Tipitaka

The Pāli Language was derived from a Prakrit (folks’ dialect) of Magādha in ancient India. Its grammar is similar to those of Sanskrit and Latin. Pāli was chosen as the language to rehearse and record the Buddhist teachings at the First Rehearsal (Sangāyana) in 543 BCE. Pāli is unique among languages in that it is not used for any other purpose except to record Buddhist doctrines. Thus the meanings of its words were not ‘corrupted’ by common usage or ‘evolution’ over time.

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