
Synonymous with ‘Alms-round’ and can be used in conjunction with it.

26 February 2024

Esteemed visit by Tan Chao Khun Samai on Māgha Pūja Day

On Saturday 24 February, Nalanda was honoured to host Venerable Tan Chao Khun Samai for an alms-round on our monthly Pindacara route at Taman OUG morning market, a Dhamma Chat in Nalanda Community Centre, and a tour of Nalanda Centre, Sri Serdang.  In just one day, Tan Chao Khun Samai made a mark on many members of the community through his teachings and benevolence in accepting offerings.

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18 February 2024

Pindacāra & Dhamma chat with Ven. Tan Chao Khun Samai

Join us this coming Saturday 24 February, on the full-moon day of the month Māgha, for a special programme with Phra Thepsilaporn, fondly known as Ven. Tan Chao Khun Samai.  We will start this auspicious day cultivating generosity in the morning pindacara led by Ven. Tan Chao Khun Samai at the O.U.G. market at 8.30am, and adjourn to Nalanda Book Café in Sri Petaling for a Dhamma chat.   You may bring along cooked food and fruits for offering.  All are welcome to join.

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7 February 2024

Joyful Pindacāra (Alms Round)

On Saturday 3 February, members and volunteers gathered for the monthly Pindacāra (monks on alms-round) at OUG and Happy Garden markets.  Amongst the hustle and bustle of pre-new year preparations, devotees and stall operators were eager to perform the meritorious deed of making offerings to the Sangha.

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13 January 2024

Generosity to start the year

In the early morning of Saturday 6 January, Nalanda volunteers gathered at the NEO Centre in Happy Garden, KL in high spirits as they set out for the first of the monthly Pindacāra (monks on alms-round) programme of the year 2024.  Market-goers and stall vendors took time to make offerings joyfully, even amidst the busy morning marketing as many have started to prepare for the coming lunar year festivities.

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4 December 2023

Welcoming Ajahn Jayanto after a decade

Just 2 days ago on Friday 1 December, Nalanda had the priviledge of hosting Ajahn Jayanto at Wisdom Park, whose last visit with us was exactly a decade ago at Sri Serdang.  Ajahn was introduced to the educational campus, its objectives and programmes carried out for the community, to which he rejoiced and encouraged us to continue providing these opportunities for Buddhists not to only learn Dhamma, but to cultivate continuous mindfulness in order to purify the mind.

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29 November 2023

Pindacāra & Dhamma talk by Ajahn Jayanto

We invite you to join us for Pindacāra (monks on alms-round) led by Ajahn Jayanto, on Saturday 2 December at the Taman O.U.G. (8.30am) and Happy Garden (9.30am) morning markets.  After the alms-round, we also invite you to join us for a Dhamma talk by Ajahn Jayanto, followed by offering of lunch dāna to the Sangha at NEO Centre, Happy Garden. You may bring along cooked vegetarian food and fruits to offer.  All are welcome!

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23 November 2023

Ven. Sanghasena leads pindacāra at O.U.G & Happy Garden

On Saturday 18 November, Nalanda Kuala Lumpur Branch was honoured to host Ven. Sanghasena for pindacāra (monks on alms-round) at the local morning markets.  Market-goers and vendors who were familiar with the monthly programme (held on the first Saturday of every month) joyfully offered requisites to the Sangha, with gratitude for the added opportunity to do good.

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15 November 2023

Pindacāra & Dhamma talk by Ven. Sanghasena

In conjunction with the Jambudvipa-Suvarnabhumi Buddhist Youth Exchange Programme, we invite you to join Pindacāra (monks on alms-round) which will be led by Ven. Sanghasena from Ladakh.  The alms-round will commence at OUG and Happy Garden markets at 8.30am and 9.30am respectively, on Saturday 18 November. 

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13 October 2023

Giving wholeheartedly at Pindacāra

On Saturday 7 October, the community around Happy Garden and O.U.G. gathered for the monthly Pindacāra programme around the neighbourhood markets to support the monastic.  

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27 June 2023

Pindacāra & lunch dāna at NEO Centre KL

We invite you and your loved ones to join us this Saturday 1 July, for the monthly Pindacāra (monks on alms-round) at Taman O.U.G. (8.30am) and Happy Garden (9.30am) morning markets.  After the alms-round, you are also welcome to join the offering of lunch dāna to venerable members of the Sangha at NEO Centre, Happy Garden.  You may bring along cooked food and fruits to offer.  All are welcome!

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