
Synonymous with ‘Alms-round’ and can be used in conjunction with it.

11 June 2023

Generosity around every corner

On Saturday 3 June, the community gathered once again to participate in the monthly Pindacāra (monks on alms round) at the O.U.G. and Happy Garden markets.  On this occasion, Ven. Alokavamsa and Sayalay Mitta Devi from Indonesia afforded the laity the opportunity to partake in the wholesome deed of supporting the Sangha.

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20 May 2023

Hosting Ajahn Visalo at Nalanda

From 5 to 7 May, we were honoured to host Ajahn Visalo, an Indonesian monk, who received his monastic training from Wat Pah Nanachat, Thailand where he currently resides.  A gentle and compassionate monk, Ajahn Visalo lent his presence to the Buddha Day programmes and relayed kind words of advise to the congregation.

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6 May 2023

Community comes together at NEO KL

This morning, the community at the OUG and Happy Garden markets came together to make offerings to Mahā Sangha.  Whilst many regular supporters joyfully prepared and made offerings to venerable monks, curious onlookers also joined in after understanding the purpose of the deed and this simple way to support members of the Sangha.

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4 May 2023

A joyful start to Buddha Day B.E. 2567

In the early hours of dawn on Buddha Day B.E. 2567, Nalanda members and devotees gathered to offer dāna to venerable monks, during the morning Pindacāra (monks on alms round) which started at Nalanda Centre.  The community around the Centre also took the opportunity to perform these meritorious deeds to support the Sangha.  It was indeed a joyful start to an auspicious day. 

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6 April 2023

Pindacāra (monks on alms-round) at Sri Serdang

Join us to offer alms to monks on the morning of Buddha Day.  The alms-round will start at Nalanda Centre at 7am.  All are welcome.

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28 February 2023

Pindacāra & lunch dāna at NEO Centre KL

We joyfully invite you and your loved ones to join us this Saturday 4 March, for the monthly Pindacāra (monks on alms round) at the Taman O.U.G. (8.30am) and Happy Garden (9.30am) morning markets, led by Ven. Ajahn Pavaro and Ven. Paññajoti. We also invite you join the offering of lunch dāna to the venerables at NEO Centre in Happy Garden. You may bring along cooked food and fruits to offer. All are welcome!

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8 February 2023

Pindacāra during Lunar New Year festivities

On Saturday 4 February, the community at O.U.G. and Happy Market gathered to perform the meritorious deed of dāna in support of the Mahā Sangha. Even as vendors and marketgoers are busy preparing for the last few days of the Lunar New Year festivities, many stepped forward to offer food and requisites at Pindacāra (monks on alms-round), experiencing the joy of giving especially to those worthy of honour.

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18 January 2023

The year’s first Pindacara at Happy Garden

In the early morning of 7 January, the first Saturday of the new year, Nalanda volunteers & devotees gathered at the new NEO Centre in Happy Garden for the first session of the Pindacāra (monks on alms-round) programme. 

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8 December 2022

Countdown – 3 days to NEO Centre KL Officiating Ceremony

On Saturday 3 December, the community around Happy Garden joyfully participated in the Pindacāra (monks on alms-round) programme to support the Mahā Sangha.  This monthly programme, organised by Nalanda Branch KL since 2012, enables the laity in the vicinity to learn and practise the spirit of dāna even as they go about their householder duties.

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4 December 2022

8 days to NEO Center KL Officiating Ceremony

‘Pindacāra’ (monks on alms round) was the first Dhamma programme initiated at NEO Centre in Happy Garden.  On 2 June 2012, Nalandians and volunteers introduced the wholesome practice of dāna (generosity) to market-goers and vendors in the Taman O.U.G. market, and subsequently to the Happy Garden market. 

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