
Synonymous with ‘Alms-round’ and can be used in conjunction with it.

26 February 2016

Volunteer inspired by ‘Pindacāra’

On Saturday 20 February, three venerable monks from Sentul Sri Lanka Buddhist Temple went on Pindacāra (alms-round) at Seri Kembangan morning market.  Nalanda volunteers arrived early to prepare for the Pindacāra and set up an information counter.  Their activity aroused much interest among the passers-by who wanted to know more about the significance of Pindacāra.

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17 February 2016

New Year Pindacāra programme

On Saturday 16 January, three venerable monks went on Pindacāra (alms-round) at Seri Kembangan morning market.  Many devotees were keen to start the New Year by performing wholesome deeds, and thus waited patiently to offer food to the venerables.  Meanwhile, Nalandians took the opportunity to explain the significance of Pindacāra to passers-by and curious onlookers at the market.

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16 January 2016

Honouring Venerable Ajahn Chah

Today is the 24th anniversary of Venerable Ajahn Chah Subhaddo’s passing.  He was one of the most remarkable Dhamma teachers of the modern era.  Even years after his demise, his teachings continue to guide thousands of monks and lay people along the path of Dhamma.

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6 January 2016

First ‘Pindacāra’ for 2016

Last Saturday (2 January), Venerable Sumanaransi and Venerable Sukhi were invited to participate in the first alms-round of the year at Sri Petaling and Happy Garden markets.  This monthly ‘Pindacāra’ programme is part of Nalanda’s efforts to educate the public on the importance of supporting the noble monastic order and to understand what is proper Buddhist practice.

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15 December 2015

‘Pindacāra’ in Sri Petaling and Happy Garden

On Saturday 5 December, two venerable Sangha members went on alms-round at Sri Petaling and Happy Garden markets as part of Nalanda’s monthly educational Pindacāra programme.

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5 November 2015

Youths organise Dāna for venerables

On Saturday 17 October, Nalandian youths organised a lunch dāna for two venerable monks from Sentul Sri Lanka Buddhist Temple who had been invited to go on Nalanda’s monthly educational ‘Pindacāra’ (alms-round) in Seri Kembangan.  Although this was the first time the youths were taking on the responsibility, they were eager to put into practice what they had learned in the Youth Centre.

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30 September 2015

Cultivating wholesome acts of giving

On Saturday 19 September, the monthly educational ‘Pindacāra’ programme (monks going on alms-round) was joyfully held at Seri Kembangan market.  Our friendly “People Engagement” team was actively engaging with traders and devotees at the market.  Leaflets explaining what ‘Pindacāra’ was about were also distributed to on-lookers.

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17 September 2015

Alms-Round in Sri Petaling & Happy Garden

On Saturday 5 September, the monthly educational ‘Pindacara’ (monks going on alms-round) Programme at Sri Petaling and Happy Garden markets was held with two venerable Sangha members going on alms-round.  Devotees and members of the public waited patiently along the ‘Pindacara’ route, for the venerable monks to arrive and joyfully offered alms food.

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11 September 2015

‘Pindacāra’ in Seri Kembangan

On Saturday 15 August, Nalandians arrived early at the Seri Kembangan market and started to prepare the venue while greeting our trader friends and devotees around the area.  Members of the public stationed themselves along the ‘Pindacāra’ (alms-round) route, waiting patiently for the arrival of venerable monks.  Some explained to their friends about the meaning of this meritorious occasion and encouraging them to participate.

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11 August 2015

Alms-round in Seri Kembangan

On Saturday 18 July, Nalanda’s monthly ‘Pindacāra’ (monks going on alms-round) Programme was joyfully held at Seri Kembangan market.  Nalandians came together to set up the information counter and engage the public.  Despite being the ‘Hari Raya’ holidays, it was inspiring to see many traders and residents around to offer food to the two venerable monks.

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