Press Report

14 May 2020

“Blue Zone” residents’ longevity explained

These five locations – Nicoya in Costa Rica, Sardinia in Italy, Ikaria in Greece, Okinawa in Japan, and Loma Linda in California.  They are termed “Blue Zones” by scientists because the residents in these places scattered in different corners of the world have remarkable longevity, with significant numbers of them living beyond 100 years old.

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29 April 2020

Planting trees can help prevent premature deaths

New researches by scientists in the United States have shown the benefits of increasing tree cover in cities to people’s physical and mental health.  In Philadelphia, America’s fifth-largest city, researchers touted that hundreds of premature deaths can be prevented every year if the city’s tree cover were increased by just 10%.

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26 April 2020

How artworks convey Buddha’s great wisdom

In this period of great upheaval for humanity, the deep serenity and tranquility of the Buddha’s image provides solace, hope and peace to troubled minds.  We share with you an article published by CNN on 23 April 2020, titled “These ancient images of the Buddha are more timely than you think”.

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17 March 2020

First death in Malaysia from Covid-19

We are saddened to know the news of Pastor David Cheng from Kuching who passed away this morning due to Covid-19.  His death marks the first fatality in Malaysia from the deadly coronavirus currently plaguing the world.  We extend our deepest condolences to the family members, relatives and friends of Pastor David.  May he rest in Peace.

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4 January 2020

Five ways to improve mental health

Most people start the year by aspiring to be happier in life, but the stresses that come with personal issues, responsibilities, work and relationships often leave us frustrated, worried, or even depressed.  Thankfully, health researchers and experts have discovered that our minds can be trained to experience happiness by:

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15 April 2018

Consuming alcohol can lower life expectancy

A new study suggests that drinking one alcoholic drink on a daily basis could shorten your life expectancy.  The research found that drinking more than 100 grams of alcohol per week – equal to roughly five to six glasses of wine in the United Kingdom – increases your risk of death from all causes, and in turn lowers your life expectancy.

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23 March 2018

Seoul wants employees to work less

Reported by BBC International.

The metropolitan government in South Korea’s capital Seoul is introducing a new initiative to force its employees to leave work on time – by shutting down all their computers at 8.00pm on Fridays.  It says it is trying to stop a “culture of working overtime”.

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21 March 2018

Last male Northern White Rhino died

‘Sudan’, the last male Northern White Rhino, was euthanized on 19 March in Kenya after suffering ailments due to old age; he was 45.  With his death, there are only two other individuals from this subspecies left – ‘Najin’ and ‘Fatu’ – both females.  That means extinction for the majestic Northern White Rhino is only two deaths away.

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18 November 2017

Malaysians work longer hours but are less productive

According to Malaysia’s leading English daily ‘The Star’, Malaysians work an average of 15 hours more than their contracted hours each week, surpassing workers in Singapore, Hong Kong and Australia.  However, Malaysians suffer from a high percentage of productivity loss, i.e. local workers are far less productive than their regional counterparts.

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3 October 2017

Malaysians deserve accurate history

Dr. Ranjit Singh Malhi;  Source: ‘The Star’, in his Letter to the Editor.

HISTORY is a factual account of significant events in the past that have shaped present-day society and the nation. It enables us to understand how today’s society and nations evolved.

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