Press Report

2 October 2017

Pray for Las Vegas shooting victims

Another senseless shooting incident happened in the United States today, where a gunman fired into a concert crowd near Las Vegas Mandalay Bay Resort, killing 59 people and injuring more than 500 others.

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1 October 2017

India’s meditating top golfer

CNN News reported that one of India and the world’s top golfers, 30 year old Anirban Lahiri, is a practitioner of the ancient Buddhist meditation technique called ‘Vipassana’, which means “to see things as they really are”; and he has been doing it since he was 17.

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23 August 2017

Sin Chew interviews Fun Fair operators

On Monday 21 August, Malaysia’s most popular Chinese-language daily Sin Chew Jit Poh (星洲日报), published an exclusive interview with two groups of operators of Nalanda’s Family Fun Fair, which was held in Sri Serdang last weekend.

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3 July 2017

Barack Obama: preserve Borobudur

Reported by the Jakarta Post, 30 June 2017.

During his visit to the iconic Borobudur Stupa in Central Java last Wednesday, former President of the United States Barack Obama said the monument brought back fond memories of his childhood.

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11 April 2017

Cancel unfair and restrictive rules

Leading Malaysian paper ‘The Star’ yesterday headlined the news on controversial guidelines regarding the construction of non-Muslim places of worship, which came into effect this January in Selangor.  Predictably, the introduction of such unfair and discriminatory rules, and in such a stealthy and sudden fashion without adequate consultation with affected communities, has upset a great number of non-Muslims throughout the country.

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15 February 2017

New Supreme Patriarch advocates ‘mindfulness’

Thai media reported that the Prime Minister of Thailand led his entire cabinet of ministers and deputy ministers to pay respects to the newly-appointed ‘Sangharaja’, Somdet Phra Maha Muniwong, on Tuesday, 14 February.

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9 December 2016

Alms-round on the streets of Penang

Photograph credits to Gary Chen and The Star.

Malaysian daily The Star reported that 135 ‘bhikshus’ (monks), ‘bhikshunis’ (nuns), and novices went on an alms-gathering procession on the streets of George Town on 8 December.  The alms-round was held in conjunction with a novitiate programme organised by Kek Lok Si, the largest Māhayana Buddhist monastery in Penang.

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22 November 2016

Buddhists pray for peace in Indonesia

Jakarta Post reported that around 15,000 followers of all Buddhist sects participated in a joint prayer ceremony in Medan, North Sumatra, on Saturday 19 November.  Dozens of Buddhist monks, members of the House of Representatives and local officials also participated in the event, which aims to invoke blessings for peace in Indonesia.

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8 October 2016

How long can humans live?

Researchers say humans have reached limit of lifespan

In a report published in the journal ‘Nature’ and reproduced by CNN, researchers suggest that humans are reaching the natural biological limit of our lifespan, and cannot expect to live beyond a certain age.

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10 September 2016

‘Family Fun Fair’ reported in the press

Malaysia’s leading English daily The Star today reported on the Nalanda ‘Family Fun Fair’ held on 31 July 2016.  The event aimed to raise funds for the proposed “K. Sri Dhammananda Centre” in Sri Serdang – which is a new facility dedicated to Buddhist education.

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