Press Report

17 May 2015

Buddhism connects India with China

Excerpt from an article by Bro. Dr. H S Tan; 17 May 2015.

The Honorable Prime Minister of India Mr. Narendra Modi had just concluded a 3-day landmark official visit to China, his first as the country’s Head of Government.  Western media often like to portray India and China as political rivals, or even natural enemies.  However, these two ancient civilizations had been peacefully connected for more than 2,000 years – and a strong element that bound them together was Buddhism.

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4 May 2015

The meaning of ‘Worship’ in Buddhism

In its special report in conjunction with Wesak ‘Buddha Day’, ‘The Star’ reporter Adrian Chan interviewed the Head of Nalanda Education Team Achariya Vijaya Samarawickrama, and Nalanda Founder Bro Tan. The article explains the proper concept of ‘worship’ in Buddhism. Click on the link below for the full commentary. Sadhu!

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20 March 2015

‘The Sun’ interviews Nalanda Free School

On Friday 13 March, Nalanda Free School Chief Coordinator Sis. Nandinī Tan was interviewed by reporters from ‘The Sun’  about the programme.  The “Nalanda Free School Project” was initiated in 2010 by a group of dedicated volunteers to provide free tuition to academically-weak and needy students living in and around Seri Kembangan.

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18 July 2014

MAS confirms 298 on board MH17 perished

In a Media Statement issued on Friday, 18 July at 7.30am, Malaysia Airlines confirmed that all 298 people on board MH17 (as opposed to 295 people inferred earlier) had perished in the tragic air crash.  MH17 was on a regular scheduled flight from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur.  As the Boeing 777 was flying over Eastern Ukraine, it was purportedly shot down by a ground-to-air missile.

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6 July 2014

Minister invited to volunteer at Soup Kitchen

Bro. Tan has invited the Federal Territories Minister Datuk Seri Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor to volunteer at a ‘soup kitchen’ in order to witness their operations first hand. “The Honorable Minister can ‘turun padang’ (go down to the field) to see whether soup kitchens cause littering or dirty the surroundings.  It is also the best way to get to know the homeless and destitute in Kuala Lumpur, and to understand why they became so,” said Bro Tan.

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4 July 2014

Banning ‘soup kitchens’ not the solution

On Thursday 3 July, ‘The Star’ published an article quoting Federal Territories Minister Datuk Seri Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor as saying that with immediate effect, ‘soup kitchens’ will no longer be allowed to operate within a 2km radius of Lot 10 (shopping mall), which covers a large area of Kuala Lumpur city centre.

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9 April 2014

The Star reports on ‘Nalanda Walkathon 2014’

“1,300 brave poor weather to walk for education”

By C. Y. Lee

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31 March 2014

A Taste of Public Service in the U.S.A.

Nalandian Youth Lim Jie Sheng, who is on a 6-month student exchange program in the United States of America, got a chance to serve as a page for one day in Indiana’s Statehouse!  It was a golden opportunity for Jie Sheng to experience a taste of public service in an established democracy.  Read about his fabulous encounter at

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7 December 2013

Letter on Bujang Valley ‘Candi’ Demolition

Nalanda Founder Bro. H S Tan has sent an official letter to the relevant authorities regarding the desecration of an ancient temple in Sungai Batu Archaeological Area, Bujang Valley, Kedah.  We can only provide excerpts of the letter here for public information.

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11 October 2013

Coverage of Nalanda Art Exhibition on Tourism TV

The successful Art Exhibition held last weekend at Nalanda Centre was recently broadcast by the Malaysian Tourism TV.  In the video clip, there were interviews with Art Curator Syed Nabil Syed Nahar of NN Gallery, and Yang Wei Han, Director of the documentary project “A Journey of Self Discovery”.

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