Public health

10 June 2020

Less restrictions, more restraint

Today, Malaysia entered the Recovery Movement Control Order (RMCO) period with multiple restrictions being lifted after months of concerted efforts to bring the number of Covid-19 infections down.  Many businesses have resumed operations and people are returning to their usual lifestyles in a cautionary mode to prevent a second wave of infections.

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1 June 2020

Let’s play our part to end the pandemic

Over 6 million people globally have been infected by the Covid-19 pandemic to-date, and more than 370,000 people have died.  While many parts of the world are still in lock-down, several countries are now experiencing a decline in infections after months of combating the disease.  However, even as some governments look towards easing restrictions and resuming economic activities, a few countries that had flattened the curve are reporting a second wave of infections.

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29 May 2020

The world is changing; but is it only now?

The term ‘new norm’ is the latest catchphrase around, as people come to terms with the need to turn our comfort zone inside out, to control the global Covid-19 pandemic.  You may know someone who said with a heavy sigh, “Life as we know it will never be the same, the world is changing…”.

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12 May 2020

Happy ‘International Nurses Day’

‘International Nurses Day’ is observed on 12 May every year; the date was chosen because it was the birthday of Florence Nightingale (1820 – 1910).  In the past, it was an occasion that came and went without much notice. But under the shadows of a global pandemic this year, it is finally celebrated with the recognition it deserves – with significant appreciation and gratitude for the toils and sacrifices of nurses worldwide.

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21 April 2020

Voice that calms and guides a nation

Every afternoon, anxious Malaysians tune in to their TVs to watch the daily official briefing on the country’s Covid-19 situation.  Standing behind the podium with unassuming composure and speaking with a calming voice is the Director-General of the Ministry of Health, Dr. Noor Hisham.  He has been a daily fixture at the press briefings since the Coronavirus epidemic took a serious turn in Malaysia.

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15 April 2020

Cultivate the mind to be really safe

Today, we are beginning the third phase of the ‘Movement Control Order’ in Malaysia which will last until 28 April.  Since 18 March, the whole country has effectively come to a halt with very few economic activities, and no physical social and religious gatherings allowed at all.  Despite our best efforts, the number of infections is still trickling upwards every day.  Perhaps a more determined testing regime and earlier isolation of potential patients are measures which the authorities should take seriously.

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7 April 2020

Heartfelt “World Health Day” message

Nalanda Founder Bro. Tan gives a heartfelt message of deep appreciation to all health-care workers around the world. We salute their dutiful service on this poignant celebration of “World Health Day” 2020.

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7 April 2020

Let’s salute health-care workers around the world

Message by Nalanda Founder, Bro.Tan

7 April of each year is designated as “World Health Day”.  It is heart-breaking, and extremely challenging, that we celebrate the 2020 edition facing the most serious global contagion in modern history – the Covid-19 pandemic.

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6 April 2020

Keep everyone safe with compassion

The Covid-19 pandemic continues to ravage nations across the world causing nearly 1.3 million infections and 70,000 deaths to date.  More than half of humanity is under lock-down with orders to stay home.  The scale of devastation of this epidemic is unprecedented in human history.

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30 March 2020

Stay apart, but keep close to heart

As of today, the Coronavirus has infected more than 725,000 people worldwide, and claimed the lives of 34,000 victims.  In Malaysia and many other countries, authorities have urged everyone to self-quarantine at home, to wear face-masks, and to maintain a distance of at least 6 feet or 1.8m from another person to prevent community spread of the disease.

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