
3 September 2018

Books launched on 31 August 2018

This year marks the birth centenary of the late Ven. K. Sri Dhammananda Nayaka Thera (1918–2006). Eleven Buddhist organisations in Malaysia have come together to jointly organise programmes to celebrate his great legacy.

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20 August 2018

Sponsorship of publication

This year, many Buddhist organisations in Malaysia have come together to jointly celebrate the birth centenary of the late Ven. K. Sri Dhammananda Nayaka Thera (1918–2006), who was an inspiration to millions of Buddhists throughout the world, especially in Malaysia, Singapore, and Sri Lanka.

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2 July 2018

Nalanda Bulletin Issue No. 46

Nalanda Bulletin Issue No. 46 (July 2018 edition) is now available for collection at Nalanda Centre Sri Serdang and our branch centres.  This latest issue highlights events in May and June 2018.  Nalanda Bulletin is a wonderful source of information about our activities and programmes.  We invite you to collect and distribute copies to your family members and friends.  You may also view it on-line by clicking the web-link below.  Thank you.

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15 May 2018

Nalanda Bulletin Issue No. 45

Nalanda Bulletin Issue No. 45 (May 2018 edition) is now available for collection at Nalanda Centre Sri Serdang and our branch centres.  This latest issue highlights events in March and April 2018.  Nalanda Bulletin is a wonderful source of information about our activities and programmes.  We invite you to collect and distribute copies to your family members and friends.  You may also view it on-line by clicking the web-link below.  Thank you.

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6 April 2018

Ven. K. Sri Dhammananda felicitation

Do you have any photographs of the late Ven. K. Sri Dhammananda?  If you do, the ‘K. Sri Dhammananda Centenary Celebrations Committee’ would like to have a digital copy of them!  The ‘Celebrations Committee’ comprises representatives from various Buddhist organizations in Malaysia.  As part of the special commemoration this year, we intend to publish a book to highlight the life-time achievements of the late Ven. Dhammananda (1918–2006).

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20 March 2018

Nalanda Bulletin Issue No. 44

Nalanda Bulletin Issue No. 44 (March 2018 edition) is now available for collection at Nalanda Centre Sri Serdang and our branch centres.  This latest issue highlights events in January and February 2018.  Nalanda Bulletin is a wonderful source of information about our activities and programmes.  We invite you to collect and distribute copies to your family members and friends.  Thank you.

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4 November 2017

Nalanda Bulletin Issue No. 42

Nalanda Bulletin Issue no. 42 (November 2017) is now available for collection from Nalanda Centre Sri Serdang or any of our branch centres.  This latest issue highlights important events at Nalanda in August, September and October, including news on two impactful national camps for 200 Buddhist youths and 150 Dhamma School teachers respectively.

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25 August 2017

Nalanda Bulletin Issue No. 41

Nalanda Bulletin Issue No. 41 (September 2017 edition) is now available for collection at Nalanda Centre Sri Serdang and our branch centres.  This latest issue highlights events in July and August 2017, including the recent WACANA 2017 Conference on discovering the essential Buddha-Word.  Get a copy and read the latest news and updates on our programmes.  We thank our earnest Publication and Editorial team for producing this bimonthly bulletin for our reading pleasure.  Sadhu anumodana!

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7 July 2017

Nalanda Bulletin Issue No. 40

Nalanda Bulletin Issue No. 40 (July 2017 edition) is now available for collection at Nalanda Centre Sri Serdang and our branch centres.  This latest issue highlights events in May and June 2017, including the recent Buddha-Day celebrations at Nalanda.  Get a copy and read the latest news and updates on our programmes.  We thank our earnest Publication and Editorial team for producing this bimonthly bulletin for our reading pleasure. Sadhu anumodana!

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4 July 2017

New books published in July

Nalanda Buddhist Society has just printed another 17,000 copies of Ajahn Buddhadāsa’s booklets, namely “Nibbāna for Everyone” (NEW release), “Kamma in Buddhism”*, “Living in the Present”*, and “Getting Started in Mindfulness with Breathing”* (*all second editions) for free distribution throughout Malaysia.  In addition, Nalanda Institute also published a new book – “The Buddha-Word : Discovering the Essential” – for WACANA 2017 Buddhist Conference held on 1 July.

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