
9 September 2016

Nalanda Bulletin Issue No. 35

Nalanda Bulletin Issue no. 35 is now available for your reading pleasure at Nalanda Centre Sri Serdang and our branch centres.  This latest issue highlights events at Nalanda in July and August 2016, including several major programmes such as the Dhamma-Living Camp for Youths, and the 2016 Family Fun Fair.  We thank our Publication and Editorial team for producing this wonderful source of information and education.  Sadhu anumodana!

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9 July 2016

Nalanda Bulletin Issue No. 34

Nalanda Bulletin Issue No. 34 is now available for your reading pleasure at Nalanda Centre Sri Serdang and our branch centres.  This latest issue highlights events at Nalanda in May and June 2016, including a special 6-page segment on “Wesak Tradition at Nalanda”.  We thank our Publication and Editorial team for producing this bimonthly bulletin for our information and education.  Sadhu anumodana!

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26 May 2016

Book launched in simple ceremony

Wesak ‘Buddha Day’ on 21 May seemed the perfect day to launch the Malaysian edition of Venerable Ajahn Jayasaro’s insightful book – “Without & Within” – at Nalanda Centre, Sri Serdang.  The book was launched in a simple but meaningful ceremony by Venerable Dhammalankara, Venerable Samiddhi, and the Honorable Mr. Gobind Singh Deo, Member of Parliament for Puchong, who was Nalanda’s Guest-of-honour for the ‘Buddha Day’ gathering.

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1 May 2016

Nalanda Bulletin Issue No. 33

Nalanda Bulletin Issue No. 33 is now available at Nalanda Centre Sri Serdang and our branch centres. This latest issue highlights events at Nalanda over March and April 2016. Get a copy and read the latest news and updates on our activities. We thank our earnest Publication and Editorial team for producing this bimonthly bulletin for our reading pleasure. Sadhu anumodana!

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21 April 2016

Book sponsorship for Wesak Day

Exactly one month from today, we will be celebrating the Wesak Full-moon “Buddha Day”. Nalanda Buddhist Society together with Bandar Utama Buddhist Society (BUBS) are planning to reprint a wonderful Dhamma book – “Without and Within: Questions and Answers on the Teachings of Theravāda Buddhism” – for free distribution this May in conjunction with Wesak.

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7 March 2016

Nalanda Bulletin Issue No. 32

Nalanda Bulletin Issue No. 32 is now available at Nalanda Centre Sri Serdang and our branch centres. Get a copy and read the latest news and updates on our activities. We thank our earnest Publication and Editorial team for producing this bimonthly bulletin for our reading pleasure. Sadhu!

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18 February 2016

Nalanda Bulletin Issue No. 31

Nalanda Bulletin Issue No. 31 is now available at Nalanda Centre Sri Serdang and our branch centres. Get a copy and read the latest news and updates on our activities. We thank our earnest Publication and Editorial team for producing this bimonthly bulletin for our reading pleasure. Sadhu!

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3 December 2015

Nalanda Bulletin Issue No. 30

Nalanda Bulletin Issue No. 30 is now available at Nalanda Centre Sri Serdang and our branch centres.  Get a copy and read the latest news and updates on our activities.  We thank our earnest Publication and Editorial team for producing this bimonthly bulletin for our reading pleasure.  Sadhu!

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6 October 2015

Nalanda Bulletin Issue No. 29

Nalanda Bulletin Issue No. 29 (September-October 2015) is now available at Nalanda Centre Sri Serdang and our branch centres.  Get a copy and read about the latest news and updates on our activities.  We thank our earnest Publication and Editorial team for producing this bimonthly bulletin for our reading pleasure.  Sadhu!

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13 August 2015

Nalanda Bulletin Issue No. 28

The Nalanda Bulletin Issue No. 28 is now available for reading on-line!  Get a copy of the bulletin from Nalanda Centre or any NEO Centres near you, and read about recent news and updates on Buddhist programmes and activities.  We thank our earnest Publication and Editorial team for again giving us the pleasure of reading the Nalanda Bulletin.  Sadhu anumodana!

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