
19 February 2024

Reflecting on Lunar New Year celebrations

Just yesterday, members and devotees gathered at Nalanda Centre for the first Sunday Morning Service of the new lunar year.  Whilst still amid reunions and festivities, everyone reflected on how they had spent this holiday and the qualities which we adopt to make it more meaningful, with the guidance of Sis. Buddhini Tan.

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26 March 2023

Reflections on Dhamma practice with Ajahn Pavaro

On Sunday 12 March, we were honoured to host Ven. Ajahn Pavaro at Nalanda Centre, a day after the retreat led by Ajahn at Wisdom Park.  In his Dhamma talk, Ajahn advised us to be relentless in our practise of the Noble Eightfold Path, even if we do not yet perceive the results which we expect. 

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