
17 July 2016

2nd Anniversary of MH17

It has been two years since the tragic downing of Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 over Eastern Ukraine on 17 July 2014, while on a scheduled flight from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur.  The great loss of 298 innocent lives from that incident, and 239 lives from the earlier MH370 calamity, had cast a pall over Malaysia ever since.  Our nation is still reeling from the trauma of this double catastrophe.

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28 May 2016

Exhibition on Ven. K. Sri Dhammananda

In celebrating this year’s Wesak ‘Buddha Day’, Nalanda Dhamma School organised a special exhibition themed “A Beacon of Dhamma”, on the life and times of the late Venerable Dr. Kirinde Sri Dhammananda Nayaka Thero, who was Nalanda’s Spiritual Adviser.  Among the exhibits were writings, publications, and photographs of the late venerable, including rare records of his last years of life and his visits to Nalanda Centre.

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25 April 2016

First anniversary of 2015 Nepal earthquake

Today marks the first anniversary of the destructive earthquake which devastated many parts of Nepal on 25 April 2015.  More than 8,000 people were killed throughout the country, plus a hundred others in neighbouring India, Tibet and Bangladesh.  Let us spare some time to think about the victims of the earthquake and their loved ones.  Reflect also on the impermanence and uncertainty of life.  Let us live wisely and mindfully every day.

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23 April 2016

Service in honour of Sayādaw U Panditā

On Sunday 17 April, Nalanda founder Bro. Tan led a special service in memory of Sayādaw U Panditābhivamsa, who passed away a day earlier.  The service began at 9.00am with meditation, followed by offerings and Pāli chanting.  The 300-strong congregation then listened to an insightful talk by Bro. Tan, who started by asking rhetorically, “Do kings have suffering?”

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31 March 2016

Observing ‘Cheng Beng’ meritoriously

Although ‘Cheng Beng’ (or ‘Qing Ming’, 清明节) was not originally a Buddhist tradition, it has nevertheless  been observed by Chinese Buddhists for centuries.  The Buddha taught that our duties towards parents and relatives do not end with their death.  After their demise, we should continue to honour them by performing wholesome, meritorious and noble deeds, and thereafter dedicate merits to them.

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18 March 2016

Today is Nalanda Patron’s Day

“Nalanda Patron’s Day” is an annual programme to commemorate and appreciate all donors, benefactors and volunteers who have contributed to the growth of Nalanda over the years, and by extension, to the development of Buddhist education.  Nalanda Buddhist Society first observed “Patron’s Day” on 18 March 2007, in conjunction with the birth anniversary of our late teacher and spiritual adviser – Venerable Dr. Kirinde Sri Dhammananda Nayaka Thero.

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26 December 2015

2004 Tsunami Remembrance Day

Eleven years ago today, on 26 December 2004, a massive earthquake off Sumatra triggered a Tsunami that swept across 14 countries and killed a quarter million people. It was among the worst natural disasters in human history. But the aftermath of the tragedy saw an outpouring of compassion and donation, which brought out the best aspects of humanity.

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27 November 2015

Remember Paris – with a prayer for peace

An official memorial service will be held today at Les Invalides in Paris to remember the 130 innocent victims of the recent terrorist attacks there.  The remembrance will be attended by French leaders and the families of those unfortunate civilians. Let us offer our prayers to those who died in this tragic event.  May they rest in Peace.

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29 September 2015

Remembering our teacher – Ven. K. Anuruddha

Today marks the second anniversary of Venerable Kakkapalliye Anuruddha’s passing.  The late Venerable Anuruddha was Nalanda Founder Bro. Tan’s Dhamma and Pāli Language teacher.  Although a foremost and distinguished scholar in Pāli language and literature, and having been the first Vice-Chancellor of the Buddhist & Pāli University of Sri Lanka, the late Professor Anuruddha lived most of his life in seclusion.  His funeral was a very simple affair in accordance to his last wish, much in character with this humble bhikkhu.

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29 September 2015

Tribute to Acharya S. N. Goenka

Today marks the second anniversary of renowned meditation teacher, Acharya Satya Narayan Goenka’s passing on 29 September 2013.  Nalanda Buddhist Society would like to pay tribute to a prodigious teacher who had created the conditions for millions of practitioners to experience the technique and bliss of ‘Vipassana Meditation’ first taught by the Buddha 2,600 years ago.

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