
5 December 2014

Tribute to Nelson Mandela

Today marks the first anniversary of Nelson Mandela’s passing.  He was a freedom fighter, (and later) the President of South Africa, and the voice of conscience for his nation.  To the rest of the world, Mandela was an icon of liberation from oppression, and of reconciliation with your former oppressors.  We humbly pay tribute to one of the most remarkable men of the modern era who brought peace and equality to millions of appreciative people!

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8 November 2014

MH370 – 8 months on today

Today marks 8 months since MH370 vanished over the Indian Ocean in March with 239 people on board.  Let us spend a moment in quiet reflection on impermanence and the uncertainty of life, and generate thoughts of mettā (loving kindness) and karunā (compassion) to the grieving families of its passengers and crew.  May they have the strength and resilience to carry on with their lives wholesomely.  May they find Peace.

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