
28 January 2024

d’CRADLE Management Retreat at Wisdom Park

From 20 to 21 January, Wisdom Park hosted d’CRADLE – Centre for Research and Dhamma Leadership Enhancement – for their 2024 Management Retreat. This campus built by the Buddhist community for the Buddhist community welcomed its first guest organisation to conduct their training programme within its serene grounds.

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8 January 2024

Reminder for Meditation Retreat led by Ven. Ajahn Kalyano

The Meditation Retreat led by Ven. Ajahn Kalyano commences this Friday 12 January at Wisdom Park.  For registered participants, kindly refer and read with care the guidance communicated via WhatsApp.  Participants are also reminded to plan your journey to Kuala Kubu Bahru, in order to arrive safely and prepare for the start of the retreat.  Registration starts from 8am. 

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27 December 2023

Meditation retreat led by Luang Por Viradhammo

Over the last holiday weekend, from 22 to 26 December, over 80 participants and volunteers gathered at Wisdom Park for the Meditation Retreat led by Luang Por Viradhammo, jointly organised with Dhamma Connect.  With Luang Por’s close guidance and advice, yogis better understood how to develop moment to moment awareness and put it into practice in the meditation sessions throughout the five days.

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12 December 2023

Meditation retreat with Ven. Ajahn Kalyano

Nalanda welcomes you to register for a three-day meditation retreat conducted by Venerable Ajahn Kalyano, Abbot of Buddha Bodhivana Monastery in Melbourne, Australia. 

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23 November 2023

Dhamma School facilitators recharge at retreat

From 11 to 13 November, 18 Dhamma School facilitators rejuvenated in their training and retreat themed 'Refresh and Recharge'.  Guided by the School Director, Sis. See Hui Shien, they enhanced their skills and teaching approach as part of their preparations for the new 2024 school year.

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28 June 2023

Meditation retreat guided by Ven. Gavesi

From 16 to 25 June, 40 meditators and volunteers gathered at Wisdom Park for a 10-day Meditation Retreat guided by Venerable Gavesi.  At the onset of the retreat, meditators received  clear instructions on Vipassana meditation by Ven. Gavesi, who trained in Samatha and Vipassana techniques under teachers including the late Sayadaw U Pandita, the late Sayadaw Nyanapurnik, and Ven. Sujiva. 

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13 January 2023

New Year retreat with Ajahn Vajiro

On the first day of the year, Nalandians warmly welcomed Venerable Ajahn Vajiro to Wisdom Park, his first visit to the educational campus.   Nalanda Youth leaders and members took the opportunity to seek his advice as part of their annual Fuel-up Camp to prepare themselves for the year ahead.

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31 October 2022

Dhamma School facilitators retreats and rejuvenates

From 22 to 24 October, 24 facilitators and volunteers from Nalanda Dhamma School gathered at Wisdom Park for their annual retreat to spiritually recharge.  With the theme of “Good Hearted Friends”, the facilitators enhanced their skills in communication, facilitating learning, lesson planning and mindfulness training to improve themselves as educators, while spending quality time with their good friends.

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20 July 2022

Spirited retreat for Nalanda leaders

From 9 – 11 July, 40 Nalanda leaders from Serdang and branches gathered at Wisdom Park for a 3-day Leaders’ Retreat to discuss pertinent issues & challenges in carrying out the Society’s mission.  Leaders also explored ways to enhance leadership skills such as resolving conflict in interactive workshops.

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5 July 2022

Nalanda Leaders’ Retreat this weekend

This Saturday 9 July, Nalanda leaders from all the divisions and branches will congregate for a 3-day retreat at Wisdom Park.  This important gathering carries the theme ‘Heart of a Buddhist Leader’ and aims to facilitate discussions on pertinent issues in carrying out the Society’s educational mission, as well as to further enhance leadership skills. 

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