
4 July 2022

Experiential learning for BPS 306 participants

On 18 & 19 June, 50 participants and volunteers of BPS 306 – Certificate in Buddhist Studies joined a two-day retreat at Wisdom Park hosted by Nalanda Institute. Having completed the series of lectures, assignments, reflections and evaluation, participants had the opportunity to experience for themselves aspects of the Buddhist way of life, and also deepen their Dhamma learning.

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13 June 2022

Meditation Retreat with Ven. Gavesi

From 2 to 6 June, 37 participants gathered at Wisdom Park for a 5-day Meditation Retreat for beginner meditators, led by Venerable Gavesi.  As physical retreats have become a rare occasion in the past 2 years due to pandemic lockdowns and social distancing, the yogis were grateful for the opportunity to learn, in person, from Ven. Gavesi who was trained in Samatha and Vipassana techniques under several teachers, including the late Sayadaw U Pandita, the late Sayadaw Nyanapurnik, and Ven. Sujiva.

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17 May 2020

Annual Gimhāna Retreat B.E.2564

After the Buddha’s Enlightenment on the full-moon day of Vesakhā month (in May), He contemplated on the Dhamma for forty-nine days in the vicinity of the Bodhi Tree.  He then walked for another seven days from Uruvela to the deer park near Sarnath, where He preached the Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta on Asalha Day, the full-moon in July, to His first five disciples.

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20 November 2019

Meditation Retreat by Sayalay Dipankara

On Saturday 16 November, more than 120 meditators gathered at Nalanda Centre to attend the 1-day meditation retreat conducted by Venerable Sayalay Dipankara.  Sayalay started by advising us that when we train our minds to be wholesome, our thoughts, action and speech will be harmless to ourselves and others.

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2 November 2019

Retreat for Friends of Wisdom Park

From 25 to 27 October, 23 Friends of Wisdom Park (FoWP) Singapore Chapter retreated to Wisdom Park for Dhamma learning and practice.  Nalanda founder Bro. Tan delivered daily Dhamma teachings, encouraging everyone to temporarily disconnect from city life and tune in to nature.  With the welcomed respite from hectic activities, the group strengthened their mindfulness and reflection.

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12 July 2019

Peaceful meditation retreat

On Wednesday 19 June, twenty-five meditators checked in at K. Sri Dhammananda Centre to attend a meditation retreat conducted by Venerable Gavesi.  After receiving clear instructions from Venerable on how to start, participants commenced their practice, alternating between sitting and walking meditation to hone their mindfulness for the next 5 days.

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3 July 2019

Mettā Sutta Retreat in Kundasang, Sabah

From 14 to 16 June, 33 participants gathered at Mitraville Meditation Centre in Kundasang, Sabah, for Sutta-Learning Retreat conducted by Nalanda founder Bro Tan.  The participants came from several local Buddhist societies to learn the popular Karanīya Mettā Sutta (Sutta Nipata 1.8) to deepen their understanding of each Pāli verse for spiritual growth.

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17 June 2019

Dhamma talks by Venerable Gavesi

Nalanda is hosting a 5-day non-residential Meditation Retreat guided by Venerable Gavesi from 19 to 23 June.  We look forward to welcoming all meditators registered for the retreat to K. Sri Dhammananda Centre this Wednesday.  Participants are reminded to bring along a shawl or jacket as the retreat will be held in an air-conditioned hall.  We also encourage you to bring a notebook, stationery, water bottle and thermal flask for your use during the retreat.

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29 May 2019

Day of Calmness & Serenity for Youths

On Saturday 11 May, 104 participants joined the one-day meditation retreat conducted by Nalanda founder Bro. Tan and Nalanda Institute Director Achariya Tan Siang Chye.  The aim of the retreat is to introduce young adults to regular practice of meditation in order to free their minds from clutter.

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25 May 2019

Dhamma Retreat for Singaporean friends

From 16 to 20 March, 34 friends came from Singapore for a special Dhamma retreat held at K. Sri Dhammananda Centre.  Nalanda founder Bro. Tan conducted five days of teachings and sutta study sessions which focussed on how we can live skilfully to cultivate wisdom and to gain clarity of purpose in life.

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