Sabah & Sarawak

17 March 2020

First death in Malaysia from Covid-19

We are saddened to know the news of Pastor David Cheng from Kuching who passed away this morning due to Covid-19.  His death marks the first fatality in Malaysia from the deadly coronavirus currently plaguing the world.  We extend our deepest condolences to the family members, relatives and friends of Pastor David.  May he rest in Peace.

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5 December 2018

3 million trees planted by IKEA in Sabah

Swedish furniture retailer IKEA has completed a 20-year reforestation project in Luasong near Tawau, Eastern Sabah.  The ambitious but little-known project to plant 3 million rainforest trees began in 1998, which aimed at restoring the natural ecology to a former logged and largely degraded area.

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11 January 2017

Condolences to the people of Sarawak

We would like to offer our deepest condolences to the family of Tan Sri Adenan Satem and to the people of Sarawak, on the sudden passing of their Chief Minister.  Tan Sri Adenan died of heart attack in Kuching this afternoon; he was 73.  May he rest in Peace.

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30 May 2016

Kaamatan & Gawai Festival greetings

We would like to wish our Kadazan-Dusun friends in Sabah who are celebrating ‘Pesta Kaamatan’, as well as our Dayak friends in Sarawak who are marking ‘Hari Gawai’, a joyful and meaningful celebration!  May you be blessed with good health, success, and happiness always.

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8 June 2015

Nalanda mourns the loss of Young Lives

Nalanda Buddhist Society members are deeply saddened by the loss of 18 lives in a recent earthquake which struck Mount Kinabalu, Sabah.  On behalf of the Society, Nalanda President Sis. Evelyn Chow expressed her deepest condolences and sympathies to the families and loved ones of those who died in the tragedy.

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7 June 2015

Dedication of merits to Victims of Misfortunes

At Nalanda Centre this morning, devotees gathered to dedicate merits to the casualties of two tragedies in the past week.  Nineteen people died in the earthquake which hit Mount Kinabalu in Sabah; and at least 406 were confirmed dead while dozens were still missing in the ferry tragedy in Hubei, China.

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21 August 2013

Metta Sutta Commentarial Course in Kuching

Nalanda Institute's BPS136 Metta Sutta Commentarial Course was conducted for the first time at Kuching Dhamma Vijaya Buddhist Centre on 17 August.  Sarawak is the 7th Malaysian state to host the Institute's course after Selangor, Kuala Lumpur, Kelantan, Terengganu, Kedah and Sabah.  Outside Malaysia, the Institute's course had also been conducted recently in Singapore.

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