It was indeed joyful to meet with like-minded friends to learn and practice Dhamma after the Lunar New Year holidays. Doing meditation helps to calm the mind; and having Dhamma discussions keep us grounded with understanding of the challenges faced in life.
Read moreOn Saturday 14 February, Nalanda Youths came together to foster good friendship and to celebrate an early Lunar New Year. The Youth Centre was ‘lit up’ with radiant smiles and creative decorations.
Read moreFrom 31 January to 1 February, Sis. Santi and Sis. Siaw Kim from Pustaka Nalanda Sri Serdang visited the branch library at NEO Centre Johor Bahru. They had a fruitful discussion with the branch librarians and volunteers about sorting and re-organising the library catalogue. In addition, both sisters also presented the ‘2015 Library Plans’ and updates on the OPAC System.
Read moreOn Monday 2 February, Venerables Ayya Vijayani and Ayya Dhammadinna visited Nalanda Centre with a group of venerable nuns and samaneri for a familiarization tour. The visiting venerable nuns were warmly received by Nalandian officers. Sis. Nandini brought the venerables on a tour of Nalanda Centre and Youth Centre.
Read moreOn Sunday 1 February, Nalanda members from Sri Serdang and Kuala Lumpur Branch returned to their ‘spiritual home’, Nalanda Centre Sri Serdang for yet another family reunion. The Members’ Day gathering was an important occasion to catch up with our friends and to encourage one another in our spiritual learning and cultivation.
Read moreOn Sunday 25 January, it was heart-warming to hear from Sis. Bee Poh, who shared with us that she is happy to learn Dhamma with her three daughters at Nalanda. Two daughters are with Nalanda Youth Centre and one is in Nalanda Dharma School.
Read moreOn Friday 23 January, Nalanda Dharma School (N.D.S.) facilitators from Sri Serdang and NEO Centre Happy Garden came together for their first official meeting in 2015 at Nalanda Centre. The meeting was chaired by N.D.S. Director, Sis. Sunanda Ong.
Read moreA new school term has begun; Nalanda Free School classes started on Monday, 12 January. We would like to extend a warm welcome to all students for year 2015. Read more
On Sunday 11 January, devotees and parents were glad to attend a ‘welcoming’ Induction programme after the morning session of meditation, Pūja and chanting. The 5-session programme aims to provide the essential knowledge on living in accordance with the Dhamma for the participants.
Read moreOn Saturday 27 December, Nalanda Sungai Petani Branch held our 10th Members’ Day, the last for the year 2014 at Gurun Buddhist Association. Bro. Khaw Keng Hooi’s sharing on “Forgiveness” was a timely reminder for members to reflect upon before the new year. Branch Secretary, Sis. Sumedha shared on the importance of being proactive and giving service to the community.
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