
24 November 2015

Firefly Mission visits Nalanda

On 10 November, Nalandians were delighted to welcome 38 members of the Firefly Mission Singapore, led by its President, Dr. Ng Yee Kong.  They were returning from their annual trip to Sasanarakkha Buddhist Sanctuary in Taiping for the ‘Kathina’ celebrations.  They had picked an auspicious day to visit as it was also Deepavali.

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18 November 2015

Light of Dhamma within us

On Tuesday 10 November, Bro. Tan gave a Dhamma talk in conjunction with Deepavali and the visit by members of Firefly Mission Singapore.  Bro. Tan said that Deepavali is celebrated as the Festival of Lights; but there must also be a ‘Light of Dhamma’ within us.  It is a ‘guiding light’ which we can depend on to help ourselves and others.

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14 October 2015

Buddhist Fellowship Singapore Exco visits Nalanda 

On Sunday 4 October, 28 Buddhist Fellowship (BF) Singapore members, including the newly appointed Executive Committee led by its President Bro. Wilson Ang, visited Nalanda Centre in Sri Serdang.   They were warmly welcomed by Nalanda officers.

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17 August 2015

‘Kalyana mittā’ at ‘Family Fun Fair’

During Nalanda ‘Family Fun Fair’, we were glad and motivated to receive various support from our friends who came from afar.  Our Kelantanese devotees comprising of 4 adults and 6 students arrived at Nalanda Centre on Friday, 7 August and helped earnestly with the preparations.

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9 August 2015

Happy birthday, Singapore!

Today marks the Republic of Singapore’s 50th National Day.  Our closest neighbour to the south is widely regarded as a well-developed and prosperous nation, known for its first-class infrastructure, education, and the embrace of multi-culturalism.  Many people attribute Singapore’s success to its superior geographic location at the crossroads of trade routes.  But then many other countries are also similarly endowed; yet they do not achieve Singapore’s accomplishments.

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3 August 2015

Visit by ‘kalyana mittā’ from BF Singapore

On Sunday 2 August, a group of ‘kalyana mittā’ (spiritual friends) from Buddhist Fellowship Singapore joined Nalandians and devotees for a spiritual and joyful Service Sunday at Nalanda Centre.  The group was warmly hosted by Sis. Nandini, and brought on a building tour by Bro. Charlie and Sis. Santi.  After listening to a Dhamma talk by Venerable Chi Kwang Sunim, everyone took the opportunity to offer lunch dāna to Ayya.

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9 July 2015

Visit by Buddhist Fellowship Youth, Singapore

From 19 to 21 June, Nalanda Youth Centre was honoured to host the vibrant youth and their mentors from the Buddhist Fellowship of Singapore for their annual retreat.  Our Singaporean friends had several inspiring and fruitful ‘Dhamma Chat’ sessions with Nalanda Founder, Bro. Tan who guided them on Buddhist Leadership which also benefited the Nalandian youths.  There was an interactive session among the youth to exchange views and ideas on the programme of their respective Youth Centre.

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8 June 2015

Nalanda mourns the loss of Young Lives

Nalanda Buddhist Society members are deeply saddened by the loss of 18 lives in a recent earthquake which struck Mount Kinabalu, Sabah.  On behalf of the Society, Nalanda President Sis. Evelyn Chow expressed her deepest condolences and sympathies to the families and loved ones of those who died in the tragedy.

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4 June 2015

Thanking our Dhamma friends from Singapore

Nalandians throughout Malaysia would like to thank our Singaporean Dhamma friends from Buddhist Fellowship (BF) and Firefly Mission for joining us in celebrating Wesak ‘Buddha Day’ at Nalanda Centre.  We are happy that you get to celebrate Vesak twice this year – once in Malaysia last month, and again in Singapore on 1 June.

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31 May 2015

Have a joyful and spiritual Vesak celebration

On 1 June, our friends in Thailand, Indonesia, Singapore and several other countries will be observing Vesak Full-moon day which marks the anniversary of Buddha’s Enlightenment.  Nalanda Buddhist Society Malaysia wishes everyone a joyful and meaningful Vesak celebration.  May the guidance of Buddha, Dhamma and Sangha lead all beings to liberation from suffering.  Namo Buddhaya!

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