Sri Lanka

12 June 2017

“Sri Lanka Relief Fund” closing Friday

The devastating floods which hit Sri Lanka recently caused hundreds of deaths and resulted in widespread damages to infrastructure, homes, and temples.  Nalanda had set up a fund to help with relief and recovery work in Sri Lanka.  We are grateful to the public who donated generously to help affected communities there to recover from this critical disaster.

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30 May 2017

Sri Lanka inundated by monsoon flood

Report by Samantha Beech & Spencer Feingold.

CNN reported on 29 May that at least 151 people have been killed and 111 are missing (please read the latest updates at the bottom of this article) due to floodings from monsoon rains across southwestern portions of Sri Lanka, according to the country’s Ministry of Disaster Management.  The severe weather has also displaced nearly half a million people, and triggered landslides throughout the country.

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13 April 2017

Happy New Year

This week marks the new year celebrations for many ethnic groups in South and Southeast Asia – among them the Thais, Myanmar, Sinhalese, Cambodians, Laotians, Tamils, Bengalis, and Sikhs.  Nalanda members would like to wish all our friends a delightful celebration of their festivities with family and friends.  May the year bring blessings, vigour, and wisdom to everyone.  Sukhihontu!

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21 March 2017

Dhamma talks by Ven. T. Seelananda

The Klang Valley Buddhist community warmly welcome Venerable T. Seelananda Mahathera to Malaysia on his Dhammaduta tour from 21 – 24 March 2017.

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12 March 2017

Scholar monks visit Nalanda

On Tuesday 7 February, a group of 10 scholarly Sangha members visited Nalanda Centre to learn about the Buddhist educational work done in Malaysia.  The young monks were among the best scholars throughout Sri Lanka in Pāli, Sanskrit and Sinhalese languages, having excelled in national Buddhist examinations there.  They were invited to Malaysia on a study tour courtesy of Venerable Sri Saranankara Nayaka Thero of Sentul Temple.

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22 February 2017

Honoured guests from Sri Lanka

On Thursday 5 January, Nalanda Centre was honoured by a visit by well-known Sri Lankan social activist Dr. Charika Marasinghe and her husband Dr. Upali, M.D.  Dr. Charika is the daughter of Dr. A. T. Ariyaratne, the founder of Sarvodaya Shramadana, the largest social-development organisation in Sri Lanka.

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6 October 2016

Mdm. Gamage visit Nalanda Centre

The youngest sister of the late Ven. K. Sri Dhammananda, Madam K. H. Gamage from Colombo, visited Nalanda Centre recently in conjunction with the 10th anniversary of the late venerable’s passing.  It was Mdm. Gamage’s first visit to Nalanda, and she was accompanied by daughter Dayani Hemadasa, and grandson Dhaninda L. A. Hemadasa.

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7 September 2016

Passing of Ven. Nauyane Ariyadhamma

This morning, we are saddened to note the passing away of Most Venerable Nauyane Ariyadhamma Nāyaka Thero, well-known meditation teacher and Spiritual Director of the Sri Kalyāni Yogashārama in Sri Lanka.

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20 July 2016

Passing of Ven. Polpitiya Kassapa

We are saddened to announce the passing away of Venerable Polpitiya Kassapa Nāyaka Thero, meditation teacher and founder of Rockhill Hermitage, Sri Lanka, on Monday, 18 July 2016.  He was a disciple of the Most Venerable Balangoda Ananda Maitreya Māha Nāyaka Thera, one of the most renowned Theravada monks of the 20th century.

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30 June 2016

Scholar monks at Nalanda Centre

On Thursday 26 May, a group of 13 young monks from Sri Lanka visited Nalanda Centre to learn about Buddhist educational work in Malaysia.  These monks were among the best scholars in Pāli, Sanskrit and Sinhalese languages, having excelled in Sri Lankan national ‘Pirivena’ examinations and obtained the first places in those subjects.  They were accorded a special visit to Malaysia courtesy of Venerable Sri Saranankara Nayaka Thero of Sentul Temple.

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